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Related Questions
How can I access RePEc working papers?
All RePEc working papers are available for free download on the RePEc website, as well as through a number of affiliated archives and search engines. Some papers may also be available through the authors' personal websites or research profiles.
What are RePEc replication guidelines?
RePEc replication guidelines are a set of best practices for researchers interested in replicating or reproducing existing research results. The guidelines aim to promote transparency and accuracy in research, and include recommendations for data management, reporting of results, and code sharing.
How can I use RePEc rankings in my research?
RePEc rankings can be used as a tool for identifying influential researchers and research topics, as well as for tracking citation patterns in your own research field. Incorporating RePEc rankings into research proposals and grant applications can also enhance the visibility and credibility of your work.
What is RePEc?
RePEc, or Research Papers in Economics, is a collaborative effort among hundreds of volunteers in over 100 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related disciplines. RePEc is currently the largest open-access database of Economics working papers, journal articles, and software components.
Who can contribute to RePEc?
Anyone can contribute to RePEc by submitting scholarly economic research that meets the standards outlined in the RePEc guidelines for the submission of papers.
What is the impact of RePEc on the field of Economics?
RePEc has had a significant impact on the field of Economics by facilitating the dissemination and communication of economic research across disciplinary, institutional, and national boundaries. It has also enhanced the transparency, accessibility, and productivity of economic research, and has influenced the development of new methods and practices for measuring research impact and quality.
How do I submit my research to RePEc?
You can submit new working papers or data sets to RePEc by following the guidelines outlined in the RePEc Author Service. Once uploaded, your submission will be transferred to the appropriate provider archives, and then made available for worldwide access and download.
How are RePEc rankings calculated?
RePEc rankings are based on citation data collected from over 2,800 participating institutions, allowing the calculation of a range of impact and productivity measures. The most commonly used ranking metric is the h-index, which measures the number of papers that have received at least h citations.
How can I contribute to RePEc beyond submitting papers?
You can contribute to RePEc by becoming a registered user, submitting comments or reviews of existing papers and providing feedback to authors. You can also participate in RePEc-sponsored conferences or workshops, or volunteer as a local editor, translator, or software developer.
How can I find research papers on RePEc?
You can find research papers on RePEc through a variety of search methods, including author search, journal or book series search, country or region search, and topical search. You can also browse the archives of participating institutions and authors, or use the advanced search function to refine your results.