Most recent job postings at theglobaleconomy
via schedule_type: Full-time
All staff members are expected to adhere to the CTY Standards of Employee Conduct; to contribute positively to the site's living and learning community; to ensure students' physical and emotional safety; to uphold the CTY Student Code of Conduct and enforce site rules; and to perform reasonable job duties, even if not part of the job description, as assigned by their supervisors. Instructors are... responsible for teaching an appropriately challenging All staff members are expected to adhere to the CTY Standards of Employee Conduct; to contribute positively to the site's living and learning community; to ensure students' physical and emotional safety; to uphold the CTY Student Code of Conduct and enforce site rules; and to perform reasonable job duties, even if not part of the job description, as assigned by their supervisors.

Instructors are... responsible for teaching an appropriately challenging and rigorous course to approximately 15-18 highly able students (12-14 in Young Students classes). Instructors' primary responsibilities are to plan and conduct their classes and labs within CTY's guidelines, to monitor the progress of each of their students, and to supervise their teaching assistants (residential sites) or program assistants (in conjunction with the dean of students at day sites). There is one instructional assistant for each instructor.


Instructors are directly supervised by the academic dean and indirectly supervised by the site director and site program manager and assistant program manager. Each instructor is the direct supervisor of his or her instructional assistant.

Work Schedule and Physical Requirements

Instructors' work hours each day will be class and laboratory times, the late afternoon/evening class sessions (residential sites only), instructional staff meetings, and additional class planning and preparation time as needed. Depending upon the site, late afternoon/evening sessions are held Monday-Friday or Sunday-Thursday. Instructors do not have scheduled responsibilities on weekends with the exception of the opening weekend, some of intersession, and the closing weekend when all staff must remain on campus to assist with student arrival and departure. Instructors at day sites do not have scheduled responsibilities on weekends with the exception of student check-in day and some of intersession (for sites with two sessions). Instructors may not leave campus for the weekend before the end of class/lab on Friday, and they must check with their instructional assistants regarding preparation for the next class session before they do so. To prepare for the following week, instructors may have to take work with them or return to campus early. At residential sites, if evening class sessions are held on Sundays, instructors must return by the beginning of the class period.

Instructors are required to travel and navigate a college/school campus with or without accommodations. This may include traversing some long distances across campus. Some lifting and moving may be required.

Additional job responsibilities of instructors include but are not limited to:

Before Arriving at the Site:

Carefully read the Instructor Handbook, the curriculum guide tailored to your course, and any additional resources provided by CTY prior to arriving on site. Review the job responsibilities of your instructional assistant. Familiarize yourself with any other program materials provided to you so that you are aware of the overall structure of CTY and the rules and regulations for students and staff.

Complete any mandatory background checks, health and safety steps (as dictated by JHU, CTY, the host institution, local, and/or state regulations), and pre-summer training, including any online training courses, before reporting to the site.

If you have never before taught your course for On-Campus Summer Programs, submit a preliminary syllabus for your course by May 1 in the manner directed by the Baltimore office.

Prepare and submit an appropriate pre- and post-assessment for your course by June 1. (See your curriculum guide for details.)

Contact the appropriate book publisher to secure a desk copy of your course text(s).

Submit your book and supply order via the online ordering system in MyCTY by April 15. If applicable, complete and submit the Field Trip Planning Form or Software Request Form in the manner directed by the Baltimore office by May 1.

Familiarize yourself with your course text(s) and any other instructional course materials. Contact your program manager or engage with other instructors in the CTY-established digital instructor forum if you have questions about structuring your course.

(Science instructors only) Plan laboratory activities. Submit the Request for Science Equipment from Host Form via the link in your curriculum guide by April 15. Place a science supply order via the online ordering system in MyCTY by May 1. Costs for laboratory materials may not exceed budgeted amounts. (See your curriculum guide for details.)

After you receive your instructional assistant's contact information from your site's management team, contact your instructional assistant to collaborate about your ideas for structuring the course and to discuss his or her role.

Access and familiarize yourself with CTY's designated communication and digital file storage systems; links, training, and login information for these systems will be provided

Before the Students Arrive:

Arrive at the site on the date specified in your employment agreement in order to attend the orientation program prior to the arrival of students. Bring relevant technological resources (cell phone, laptop, etc.) to utilize during your employment. Attend all sessions of the orientation program.

Meet with your instructional assistant to go over the syllabus for your course and to prepare for student arrival day.

(Residential sites only) Establish a working relationship with your students' RAs.

(Science instructors only) Familiarize yourself with the laboratory safety and waste disposal policies of CTY and the host institution. Prepare to instruct students in laboratory safety. Discuss with your instructional assistant the specific safety instructions for your course.

(Science instructors only) Unpack and review laboratory equipment and supplies on hand for your course.

(Instructors teaching 7th grade courses only) Familiarize yourself with CTY's Bring Your Own Device guidelines and plan on how to best utilize this technology in your course. Prepare to instruct students in appropriate technology and netiquette. Discuss with your teaching assistant the specific technology usage for your course, and develop a plan for monitoring student use and ensuring appropriate behavior and safety with these devices.

Opening Day through Closing Day:

Read and familiarize yourself with the On-Campus Summer Programs Student Evaluations Handbook.

Assist with student check-in by staffing check-in tables, helping with the shuttle service, and/or completing other duties assigned by site administrators. Attend opening ceremonies, and be available to speak with parents/guardians about your course.

Teach your class and supervise your labs according to the schedule set for your site.

Be sure that students are supervised at all times. Be an active supervisory presence and address student safety and behavior issues whenever you are in the presence of students, including in the dining hall or any time you are not officially on duty.

Ensure that students are supervised during class or laboratory time. Science instructors must be present during all science labs. Instructional assistants are not permitted to supervise labs by themselves.

Edit an existing course description so that it accurately describes your class and submit this edited document as directed by the academic administrative team.

(Science instructors only) Maintain copies of the safety data sheets for all chemicals present in your classroom and lab spaces. Make sure these sheets are readily available in each space.

(Science instructors only) Supervise your instructional assistant in maintaining a master list of chemicals and other items purchased for your course and another list of any equipment broken or damaged by students or staff.

Take steps to educate students about and to minimize opportunities for cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty. Have students acknowledge the CTY Student Code of Conduct and all accompanying policies and guidelines.

(Science instructors only) Go over and have students acknowledge CTY's Laboratory Safety Rules and Guidelines on the first day of class.

(Residential sites only) Attend late afternoon/evening class sessions as indicated below.

Young Students: Attend all late afternoon class sessions. All late afternoon sessions are conducted in the classrooms either Monday-Friday or Sunday-Thursday.

7th Grade and Above: Attend evening class sessions for a minimum of four hours per week, and be available when you do not attend these sessions. Evening class sessions are held in classrooms or other locations depending upon the site.

(Day sites only) Help supervise students during afternoon student pick-up.

Schedule time as necessary for individual conferences with students. (These conferences may take place throughout the day.)

Attend all meetings called by the site director, academic dean, subject area coordinator, or program manager or assistant program manager for your site, including the weekly instructional staff meetings.

Supervise and guide your instructional assistant. Ensure that they have an appropriate workload. Offer your instructional assistant the opportunity to participate in lesson design and develop pedagogical skills.

Assign class work according to guidelines discussed in the Instructor Handbook and orientation meetings.

Return assignments with appropriate comments to the students within one or two days.

Implement classroom accommodations for students who have requested them as directed by the academic counselor.

By regularly consulting with your instructional assistant and monitoring student progress, ensure that the amount and type of assignments for your students are appropriately challenging. If a student takes significantly more or less time to complete their work than you had planned, that student's assignments must be adjusted accordingly.

Keep detailed and accurate records of your students' performance, including class participation, quiz or test work, skills mastered, insightful questions or comments, and strengths or weaknesses.

Advise the site director, appropriate dean, and/or academic counselor of any behavioral, emotional, or academic problem a student may be having as soon as you are aware of the problem. Complete and submit a Concern/Incident/Medical Report, and handle such issues according to the protocol established by the site director.

(Residential sites only) Consult regularly with your students' RAs about the academic, social, and emotional welfare of your students. Schedule times for RAs to visit class, and invite and encourage each RA to attend class regularly.

Assist in ensuring the health and safety of all students by following site medical protocols covered in orientation and written materials. As requested by supervisors, assist not only with health office logistics such as escorting students to/from the office or filing paperwork, but also with urgent medical situations, which may require accompanying students to the ER or to off-campus clinics and assisting in adherence to COVID protocols.

Administer and process pre- and post-assessments at the beginning and end of each session as directed. Adjust your course as necessary based on your pre-assessment results. For all non-fast-paced science courses, submit an electronic copy of your pre- and post-assessment to the academic dean. Submit all pre- and post-assessment scores as directed by the CTY's Baltimore office. (See your curriculum guide for more details.)

Cooperate with occasional observers of your class (administrators, RAs, or approved visitors to the program). Every effort will be made to advise you of visitors beforehand and to keep observations from disrupting your class or laboratory sessions.

Abide by the Research Policy printed in the Instructor Handbook. Support and participate in research activities as requested by CTY.

Schedule time for students to complete program and course evaluations and any other questionnaires approved by the program manager or assistant program manager for your site.

Make sure that classroom materials, library books, and equipment not brought in by the students are returned in good condition according to the procedures established by the academic dean.

Conduct parent/guardian-teacher conferences/showcases, in person or by telephone, during the last week of the session.

(Fast-paced science instructors only) Send any required assignments (e.g., lab reports, problem sets, etc.) home with students who are requesting credit or placement for your course from their schools.

Complete written evaluations of your students' academic performance according to the guidelines provided in the Instructor Handbook and in the Evaluations Handbook (distributed at the site). Submit the evaluations for review by administrators. Revise and edit evaluations as requested. Submit final versions of student evaluations as directed by the academic administrators.

Complete an online evaluation of your instructional assistant's performance for the session, and complete an online curriculum evaluation.

Submit to the academic dean an electronic version of a final course syllabus that follows CTY guidelines and reflects what you actually covered during the course. The syllabus should be sufficiently detailed for outside audiences (such as school administrators) to understand the scope and level of the course.

(Fast-paced science instructors only) Complete and turn in the Fast-Paced Science Student Summary Spreadsheet to your academic dean. (More information about this task can be found in your curriculum guide under "Credit and Placement Considerations.")

After Students Depart:

Inventory, pack, and store (or return to the CTY office in Baltimore) all classroom supplies and materials purchased by CTY. Provide your academic dean with an inventory of all supplies and materials.

(Science instructors only) Inventory, pack, and store (or return to the CTY office in Baltimore) all laboratory equipment and non-chemical supplies purchased by CTY. Return all science equipment borrowed from the host to designated location.

(Science instructors only) Dispose of all chemicals and specimens, including waste materials, in accordance with CTY and host institution policies.

Depart the site with the permission of the academic dean, site director, and/or program manager.

Be available throughout the academic year for discussion of the program or of particular students. Provide the site program manager with an address, telephone number, and email address where you can be reached during the upcoming academic year
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