is a comprehensive online database that provides users with information about television series, including detailed episode guides, air dates, cast and crew details, artwork, and many more. It serves as a go-to resource for TV enthusiasts, streaming platforms, and app developers who are seeking accurate and up-to-date information about their favorite shows. The website allows users to contribute and edit information, ensuring a constantly evolving and accurate database. With its user-friendly interface and vast collection of TV series, has become a valuable platform to explore, discover and keep track of various television shows.
This scraper is intended to replace all other scrapers that currently utilise TheTVDB site.kodi.wikiTheTVDB v4 is the latest scraper developed by TheTVDB Team. It is written in Python and accesses the new v4 of the TheTVDB API.
As of 2020, the API now requires a license subscription from either application developers or end users. [2]en.wikipedia.orgIn 2019, TheTVDB was acquired by TV Time, who used TheTVDB's database as a source for all the TV shows and episode descriptions in it.
artworks.thetvdb.comTheTVDB can serve as the source of movie and TV series information for a number of industries.
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CountryHosted in United States
Latitude\Longitude37.751 / -97.822 Google Map
Traffic rank#31,615 Site Rank
Site age54 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
OwnerTV Time
LaunchedApril 19, 2007
Type of siteOnline database for television programs
Available inEnglish
Created byScott Zsori
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Current statusActive
54 yrs
United States