Thingiverse is an online platform for sharing digital designs. It is the largest 3D design community in the world, with over two million members. It is a place to discover, make and share 3D printed creations. You can find a range of 3D designs created by the Thingiverse community, or you can create one of your own. It's easy to upload your design and share it with the world. You can also find 3D models and printing instructions for a variety of DIY projects, from toys and games to tools and gadgets. Thingiverse is a great resource for makers and designers who want to explore the world of 3D printing.
Not all of them will be completely free but it will allow you to compare what exists on the market! Go to the Thingiverse platform to find your favorite 3D models! Do you use Thingiverse?3dnatives.comThingiverse remains the largest database and satisfies millions of users today; be aware that there are other alternatives to download 3D files such as Cults or YouMagine.
On the other hand, if you're a creator, you cannot monetize your models on Thingiverse.makeuseof.comOne major point which makes Thingiverse the most popular 3D printing library among makers is that it is entirely free. Every file that you see on Thingiverse, you can download and use for free.
[7] Whereas many open-source hardware projects focus on project-specific materials, Thingiverse provides a common ground from which derivatives [8] and mashups [9] can form.en.wikipedia.orgIn 2012, Thingiverse removed an uploaded design for an entirely 3D-printed gun. In response, the gun's designers launched the site DEFCAD, designed to host Thingiverse's "censored" files.
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Site age16 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
OwnerMakerBot Industries
LaunchedOctober 18, 2008
Type of siteDatabase
Available inEnglish
Created byZach "Hoeken" Smith,,Bre Pettis
Current statusActive
16 yrs
United States