
The tidyverse is a collection of open source packages for the R programming language introduced by Hadley Wickham and his team that "share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures…

Onsite live Tidyverse training can be carried out locally on customer premises in the US or in NobleProg corporate training centers in the US.nobleprog.comTidyverse training is available as "online live training" or "onsite live training". Online live training (aka "remote live training") is carried out by way of an interactive, remote desktop.

We will cover the simple idea of “tidy data” and how this idea serves to organize data for analysis and modeling.jhudatascience.orgThis course introduces a powerful set of data science tools known as the Tidyverse. The Tidyverse has revolutionized the way in which data scientists do almost every aspect of their job.

It is easier to read than the basic code of R! For example: X% >% f (y) is equivalent to f (x,y)fatalerrors.orgPipeline function in tidyverse, pipeline symbol is the main force of data collation. It can connect many functions together, and it is concise and beautiful.

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