University of Oslo

University of Oslo (UiO) is a leading research university in Norway, founded in 1811. Located in Norway's capital city, UiO is the largest university in the country, with over 30,000 students and more than 5,000 faculty and staff members. UiO offers a wide range of courses and programmes in fields such as natural sciences, social sciences, law, humanities, medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. UiO is also home to several world-renowned research institutes and centers, such as the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research. UiO is committed to excellence in research and education, and has a strong commitment to the public good. UiO is a member of the global academic community, and has strong ties to international universities and organizations.

Norway is home to a lot of interesting geology, and therefore the University of Oslo has many researchers that are interested in categorizing and characterizing the unique geology of the area.universityreview.orgThe University of Oslo is a university that has many strengths in other areas that are not related to botany; geology being one such subject.

Another strong reason you should study in University of Oslo is the fact that the school does a lot of courses that are taught entirely in English language for international students.studyabroad365.comThe university was founded in 1881 as the very first university in Norway and is currently the leading public institution of research and higher learning with over 27 000 students and 6000 employees.

Our undertakings are characterized by a high ethical standard, quality and willingness to make bold and innovative choices. 30,000 students and 8,000 employees form an open and inclusive community.uio.noFor over 200 years, UiO has researched, challenged and shaped Norwegian society. We are the country's highest ranked institution for research and education, and at the top in Europe.

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    Hosted in Norway

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    Oslo, Oslo County

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  • Former name
    Royal Frederick University (1811–1939)

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  • Established
    September 2, 1811

  • Rector
    Svein Stølen

  • Academic staff
    7,000 (2020)

  • Administrative staff
    1,725 (2020)

  • Students
    28,000 (2020)

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Newest job postings for University of Oslo
via posted_at: 2 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Om stillingen Dette er en full stilling som førsteamanuensis/professor i medisin ved Avdeling for atferdsmedisin, Institutt for medisinske basalfag, UiO. Stillingen kan etter avtale kombineres med 20%-40% klinisk stilling. Arbeidsted er Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9, Oslo. Stillingen er tilknyttet Avdeling for atferdsmedisin, som driver forskning og utdanning i skjæringspunktet mellom medisin, psykologi, samfunnsvitenskap og utdanningsvitenskap, Om stillingen

Dette er en full stilling som førsteamanuensis/professor i medisin ved Avdeling for atferdsmedisin, Institutt for medisinske basalfag, UiO. Stillingen kan etter avtale kombineres med 20%-40% klinisk stilling. Arbeidsted er Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9, Oslo.

Stillingen er tilknyttet Avdeling for atferdsmedisin, som driver forskning og utdanning i skjæringspunktet mellom medisin, psykologi, samfunnsvitenskap og utdanningsvitenskap, med hovedfokus på menneskelige faktorer i medisin og helse.

Vi har fem forskningsgrupper: (1) arbeid, trivsel og psykisk helse blant helsepersonell, (2) biopsykososiale faktorer ved somatiske sykdommer, (3) psykoonkologi og klinisk kommunikasjon, (4) psykologiske og fysiologiske mekanismer for belønningsvurdering og (5) medisinsk utdanning.

Avdelingen er ansvarlig for fagområdet atferdsmedisin i profesjonsutdanningen i medisin. En stor del av undervisningen er knyttet til smågruppeundervisning i klinisk kommunikasjon, og stillingen... forutsetter klinisk erfaring som lege.

Forskning og undervisning utgjør hhv. 45 % av stillingen, mens 10 % er beregnet til administrative oppgaver.

• Doktorgrad innen relevant område.
• Autorisasjon som lege, med relevant klinisk erfaring. Spesialistgodkjenning vektlegges.
• Høy kvalitet på forskning og publisering i internasjonale fagfellevurderte kanaler.
• Dokumentert evne til å initiere, finansiere og gjennomføre forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekter
• Det legges vekt på at kandidaten er tidlig i det akademiske karriereløpet, med pågående forskningsaktivitet og selvstendig forskningsprofil innen fagområdet.
• Flytende skriftlig og muntlig fremstillingsevne på norsk eller annet skandinavisk språk.
• Dokumentert universitetspedagogisk basiskompetanse. Dette kravet kan i særlige tilfeller fravikes, men må da oppfylles innen to år fra tiltredelse.
• Dokumenterte kvalifikasjoner innenfor formidling, administrasjon og ledelse vil telle positivt.

Personlige egenskaper
• Personlig egnethet og miljøskapende evne tillegges stor vekt.

Vi tilbyr
• Lønn fra kr. 689 600 til kr. 814 900 avhengig av kompetanse, i stilling som førsteamanuensis (stillingskode 1011)
• Lønn fra kr. 888 200 til kr. 1 024 100 avhengig av kompetanse, i stilling som professor (stillingskode 1013)
• Gode pensjonsordninger
• Gode velferdsordninger
• Førsteamanuensis vil ha mulighet til å søke opprykk til professor på et senere tidspunkt

Søknaden skal inneholde
• Søknadsbrev
• CV
• Fullstendig publikasjonsliste
• Pedagogisk mappe på 3-6 sider som dokumenter utdanningsfaglig kompetanse og erfaring, inkludert et refleksjonsnotat der egen praksis og læringssyn forankres i SoTL-kriteriene (fokus på studentenes læring, utvikling over tid, en forskende tilnærming og en kollegial holdning og praksis)
• Beskrivelse av kvalifikasjoner innen formidling, administrasjon og ledelse
• Vitnemål og attester
• Akademiske arbeider (inntil 10 publikasjoner) og en kort redegjørelse for disse
• Referanser (liste med 2-3 personer med navn, tittel, e-post og telefonnummer)

Søknad med vedlegg må sendes inn via vårt elektroniske rekrutteringssystem. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at all dokumentasjon må være på engelsk eller et skandinavisk språk.

Det skal benyttes intervju og prøveundervisning i tilsettingsprosessen. I rangeringen av kompetente søkere vurderes hele bredden av kvalifikasjoner.

Andre opplysninger

Vennligst se Regler for tilsetting i professorater og førsteamanuensisstillinger ved UiO og

Regler for praktiseringen av kravet om pedagogisk basiskompetanse ved UiO

I henhold til Offentleglovas § 25 2. ledd kan opplysninger om søkeren bli offentliggjort selv om søkeren har anmodet om ikke å bli oppført på søkerlisten.

UiO har en overtakelsesavtale for alle tilsatte med formål å sikre rettighetene til forskningsresultater m.m.

Inkludering og mangfold er en styrke. UiO har et personalpolitisk mål om å oppnå en balansert kjønnssammensetning og rekruttere personer med innvandrerbakgrunn. Videre ønsker vi medarbeidere med ulike kompetanser, fagkombinasjoner, livserfaring og perspektiver. Vi vil tilrettelegge for medarbeidere som har behov for det.

Dersom det er kvalifiserte søkere med funksjonsnedsettelse, hull i CV-en eller innvandrerbakgrunn, skal vi innkalle minst én søker i hver av disse gruppene til intervju.

Om Universitetet i Oslo

Universitetet i Oslo er Norges eldste og høyest rangerte forsknings- og utdanningsinstitusjon med 28 000 studenter og 7 500 ansatte. Faglig bredde og internasjonalt anerkjente forskningsmiljøer gjør UiO til en viktig samfunnsaktør.

Institutt for medisinske basalfag arbeider for å øke basalmedisinsk kunnskap slik at vi kan forstå normale prosesser, gi innsikt i mekanismer som forårsaker sykdom, og fremme god helse. Instituttet er ansvarlig for basalfagene i profesjonsutdanningen i medisin og for masterutdanningen i klinisk ernæring, og har i overkant av 300 ansatte i vitenskapelige, tekniske og administrative stillinger
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via Indeed posted_at: 3 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Job description A postdoctoral fellowship is available at the PROMENTA Research Center, Section for Health, Developmental and Personality Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. The postdoctoral fellow will be working in the project The PsychoGeography of Intergenerational Mobility: Early life socioeconomic position, mental health, and educational performance (GeoGen) funded by the European Research Council (ERC). GeoGen is an interdisciplinary Job description

A postdoctoral fellowship is available at the PROMENTA Research Center, Section for Health, Developmental and Personality Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. The postdoctoral fellow will be working in the project The PsychoGeography of Intergenerational Mobility: Early life socioeconomic position, mental health, and educational performance (GeoGen) funded by the European Research Council (ERC). GeoGen is an interdisciplinary project integrating genetic and social science approaches to study geographical variation in factors for mental health, non-cognitive skills, and educational performance.


More about the project

The postdoctoral fellowship is directed at rendering a new understanding of (a) how education and mental health is transmitted across generations, (b) how early mental ill-health predict academic failure, (c) the interactions between genetic risk and protective contextual school and neighbourhood factors, and (d... characteristics of schools and neighbourhoods that are optimal for children’s psychological development.

GeoGen will use Norway since 1905 as a laboratory (n=8 400 000) with registries giving full genealogy and year-by-year event data on place of residence, indicators of socioeconomic status (SES), mental health, non-cognitive skills, and educational performance. GeoGen combines this with a population-based cohort study comprising genotyping of families (n=240 000 in 110 000 families) and a wide array of survey data. An approach combining temporal, spatial, social, genetic, and individual levels of inference will allow the postdoctoral fellow to do novel studies on the gene-environment interplay between risk and protective factors for mental health, non-cognitive skills, and academic outcomes.

The PROMENTA Research Center carries out interdisciplinary research on mental health and well-being in a holistic perspective - from genetics and biology to local communities and policy. We are concerned with examining determinants of good and poor mental health, understanding how social inequalities emerge, and designing and evaluating effective interventions to promote well-being.

We strive to provide our candidates with opportunities to develop high-quality research competence, across disciplines, working alongside leading experts in our fields. While working for us, you will be part of a dynamic and interdisciplinary work environment, with ample opportunities for scientific and social input throughout the academic year. This includes training in both social science and genetic methods, and the possibility teaching and educational courses.

The PROMENTA Research Center with more than 50 scientific staff is funded by the Research Council of Norway, and hosted by the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo (UiO). Read more about working at PROMENTA.

More about the position

The project is based in the neighbourhood genetics workgroup at PROMENTA lead by Professor Eivind Ystrøm. The goal of the genetics workgroup is to study the interplay between genetic and contextual factors in families, schools, and wider contexts by integrating genotyped family trios into population-based registries on family structure, residence, schools, health, and education.

The postdoctoral fellow will be working with GeoGen Team members from Sociology, Psychology, and Educational Sciences

The appointment is a fulltime position for a period of three years. A fourth year can be considered with the addition of 25 % teaching duties, usually in the form of teaching activities, depending on the competence of the applicant and the needs of the department.

The fellowships are planned to begin in the second quarter of 2023.

For more information about the positions please see contact information below

Qualification requirements

The applicant must have submitted their PhD thesis for evaluation by the closing date and be approved by the time the appointing authority reach a decision. The PhD degree or equivalent should be in in psychology, genetics, sociology, epidemiology, economics, or other related fields.

Publication record on molecular genetic factors for mental health and educational outcomes.

Skills in molecular genetic data analyses such as polygenic scores and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS).

Computing skills in R, mixed models, polygenic risk score software, and GWAS analyses.

Proficient oral and written communication skills in English.

Plans for excellent research within the project, as evidenced by the required one-page letter of application, explaining the motivation for applying and how own qualifications are suitable for the announced position.

Strong interest in the potential of integrating social science and genetics. Enjoys working within an interdisciplinary team.

Personal Suitability.

We offer

A salary of NOK 573 900- 661 400 per annum depending on qualifications.

A professionally stimulating work environment and collaboration with a newly established research center (PROMENTA) at the Department of Psychology.

Opportunities for extensive collaboration with our national and international collaborators.

Attractive pension and social welfare benefits.

Oslo’s family-friendly environment with its rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities. An opportunity to build a career in social science genomics

How to apply

The application must include

Motivation letter (maximum 1 page) Complete CV

Certified copies of academic diplomas and certificates. (i.e. Diploma, transcript. Diploma supplement for both bachelor and master and PhD courses). Diplomas, transcripts and diploma supplements that are not in a Scandinavian language or English must be uploaded in the original language. An English translation of these documents must also be attached.

Copies of any publications that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee.

Names and contact details for two references. One of them must be a PhD supervisor. Also preferably including the supervisors on master thesis.

The application with attachments must be delivered in our electronic recruiting system, please follow the link “apply for this job”. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University's grading system. Please note that all documents should be in English (or a Scandinavian language).

In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the documented, academic qualifications, and the quality of the project as well as the candidates motivation and personal suitability.

Interviews with the best qualified candidates will be arranged.

It is expected that the successful candidate will be able to complete the project in the course of the period of employment.

Formal regulations

Please see the guidelines and regulations for appointments to Postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Oslo.

No one can be appointed for more than one Postdoctoral Fellow period at the University of Oslo.

This is a project funded by the research council of Norway and applicants with a previous postdoctoral fellowship funded by the research council cannot be appointed for this position

According to the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.

Diversity and gender equality

Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.

The Department of Psychology shall work actively for equality, ensure equal opportunities and rights, and prevent discrimination. See the Gender equality initiative at UiO as well as the Action plan for gender equality, diversity and inclusion at the Department of Psychology 2022-2025 (in Norwegian).

If there are qualified applicants with special needs, gaps in their CVs or immigrant backgrounds, we will invite at least one applicant in each of these groups to an interview.

Contact information

All e-mails must have the term “GeoGenPostDoc” included in the subject line or text.

Project manager Eivind Ystrøm, e-mail:

Administrative coordinator at Promenta Maria Vinje Dodson, e-mail:

Senior HR officer Joan García Castán: e-mail: for questions regarding the electronic application

About the University of Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

The Department of Psychology is one of seven units of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and has 75 permanent and 70 temporary members of scientific staff. Degrees are offered at bachelor and master level, plus a clinical training programme, and the PhD programme has 140 students
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via Indeed posted_at: 25 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Job description A full-time position as Associate Professor is available in the Section for Partial Differential Equations and Computational Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics. The section seeks a dedicated and innovative researcher who meets the required qualifications for an associate professorship. We are looking for active researchers working in Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) or Computational Mathematics, in particular in the Job description

A full-time position as Associate Professor is available in the Section for Partial Differential Equations and Computational Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics.

The section seeks a dedicated and innovative researcher who meets the required qualifications for an associate professorship. We are looking for active researchers working in Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) or Computational Mathematics, in particular in the fields of nonlinear PDEs, including analysis of numerical methods, geometric modeling, numerical analysis, optimization and combinatorics/matrix theory.

The section for PDEs and Computational Mathematics is known for its extensive research activities, which include the analysis of PDEs (including nonlinear wave equations, conservation laws, stochastic PDEs, uncertainty quantification), analysis and construction of numerical methods for PDEs, geometric modeling, combinatorics/matrix theory and machine learning. Currently the section has... eight full-time academic positions, four postdocs and three PhD students. The section aims at maintaining and strengthening collaborations with leading researchers outside the department, both nationally and internationally.

The Associate Professor is expected to actively take part in the Section for PDEs and Computational Mathematics and the Department of Mathematics in general. Applicants must document academic qualifications in their field, equivalent to an Associate Professor position. We expect the successful candidate to have a broad scientific network and be able to initiate and lead research projects, and apply for external funding. The successful applicant must be able to teach mathematics at all levels and to supervise Master and PhD students. The successful applicant may furthermore be required to take on other teaching duties and administrative tasks, by request from the Department of Mathematics.

General information about the position:

Applicants must document academic qualifications in their field, equivalent to an Associate Professor position. The successful applicant must be able to teach at all levels and to supervise Master and PhD students.

The successful applicant may furthermore be required to take on other teaching duties and administrative tasks, by request from the Department of Mathematics.

Qualification requirements

The successful applicant must have completed a PhD in Mathematics and have a strong scientific track record within the subjects mentioned above.

A requirement is considerable scientific production beyond what is required for a doctoral degree.

Scientific qualifications will play a major role, and the main emphasis will be on the candidate’s scientific production from the last five years.

Pedagogical qualifications and teaching and supervision experience at all levels will be an important factor in the evaluation process and should be well documented in a teaching portfolio. The applicant should describe her/his qualifications in view of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) framework which includes:

Focus on student learning

A clear development over time

A researching approach

A collegial attitude and practice

The successful applicant must have fluent oral and written communication skills in both in a Scandinavian language and in English.

The successful candidate who at the time of appointment cannot document sufficient teaching qualifications (minimum formal requirement is a 200 hrs pedagogical programme) will be required to obtain such qualifications within a two-year period.

The successful candidate must demonstrate mastery of both English and one of the Scandinavian languages as working languages. If an appointee is not fluent in a Scandinavian language, the appointee will be required to learn sufficient Norwegian within a two-year period, to be able to participate actively in all functions the position may involve.

Desirable qualifications:

Candidates should be able to establish, lead and conduct research projects, also as a collaborator. A track record in scientific and administrative leadership is an advantage, as well as participation in the acquisition of research grants.

International network, outreach activities, collegiality, and the ability to create a good working environment will be part of the evaluation.

The person appointed will be requested to take on some administrative duties. Hence such experience will be an advantage.

Personal qualities:

Ability to create and contribute to a well-functioning, inclusive and productive research environment

Networking skills, ability to collaborate and conduct scientific leadership

Ability to cooperate and communicate well with other members of staff

The successful candidate should have an international profile with respect to the above criteria. The candidate for this position will be selected based on scientific excellence and fit with the section’s research profile, and with significant emphasis on their educational qualifications and potential for teaching.

We offer

Salary NOK 661 400 - 728 100 depending on qualifications, in the position of Associate Professor (position code 1011).

A professionally stimulating work environment.

Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement, in addition to Oslo’s family-friendly environment with its rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities.

The Associate Professor will have the opportunity to apply for promotion to a full professorship at a later stage.

How to apply

The application must include:

Application letter.

A research position paper (1–4 pages) describing the applicant’s vision and scientific ambitions for the nearest future.

A detailed CV, including a complete list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, project acquisition and coordination experience, and other qualifying activities.

Copies of educational certificates, PhD diploma, transcript of records and letters of recommendation.

A complete list of publications and academic merits and awards (if not included in the CV).

Full text of up to 10 selected scientific publications the applicant wishes to include in the evaluation.

A document discussing the importance, interrelation, and relevance of the selected papers for this position.

Educational portfolio of 3–6 pages documenting educational competence and experience, including a reflection note in which your own teaching practice and view of learning is anchored in the SoTL framework (focus on student learning, development over time, a researching approach and a collegial attitude and practice).

List of reference persons: 2–3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and phone number).

Application with attachments must be submitted via our online recruitment system, please follow the link “apply for this job”. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language.

Formal regulations

As a general rule an interview will be used in the appointment process, usually supplemented with a trial teaching session. The basis for assessment will be the scientific production of the applicant, the teaching portfolio, pedagogical and educational qualifications, the applicant’s qualifications within leadership and administration, other qualifications as well as general personal suitability for the position. In ranking the competent applicants, the full range of qualifications will be considered and explicitly assessed.

Rules for appointments to associate professorships:

Rules for the assessment and weighting of pedagogical competence for appointments to permanent academic posts which include teaching duties:

The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds. Women are encouraged to apply.

Pursuant to section 25(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public, even if the applicant has requested not to appear on the list of applicants.

The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.

In addition, the University of Oslo aims for its employees to reflect the diversity of the population to the greatest degree possible. We therefore encourage qualified applicants with disabilities or gaps in their CV to apply for the position. The University of Oslo will adapt the workplace to suit employees with disabilities. Applicants who indicate that they have disabilities or gaps in their CV are made aware that this information may be used for statistical purposes.

Contact information

Professor Nils Henrik Risebro, phone: +47 22 85 59 88; e-mail: or

Professor Kenneth Hvistendahl Karlsen, e-mail:

For questions regarding Jobbnorge, please contact HR Adviser Ole Rustad, e-mail:

About the University of Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest rated institution of research and education with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.

The Department of Mathematics is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo. The Department is engaged in teaching and research covering a wide spectrum of subjects within mathematics, mechanics and statistics. The research is on theory, methods and applications. The areas represented include: fluid mechanics, biomechanics, statistics and data science, computational mathematics, combinatorics, partial differential equations, stochastics and risk, algebra, geometry, topology, operator algebras, complex analysis and logic.

We have almost 50 persons in permanent academic positions and a large number of post docs and Ph.D. students. We also have an administrative and technical staff. The department represents a leading research environment in mathematical areas in Norway, and has a highly international profile
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