
Uptodown is a website that provides free, safe, and secure downloads for millions of apps and games. It has an extensive library of over 1.5 million apps and games, with new ones being added every day. Users can browse the library by categories such as popular, trending, and newly added, as well as by platform (Android, iOS, etc.). The website also provides detailed descriptions of each app or game, along with screenshots, user reviews, and ratings. Uptodown also offers various tools, such as a virus scanner, file manager, and system cleaner, to ensure users’ devices are as secure as possible.

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    Site is Encrypted

  • Country
    Hosted in United States

  • City
    Atlanta, Georgia

  • Latitude\Longitude
    33.7485 / -84.3871    Google Map

  • Traffic rank
    #1,073 Site Rank

  • Site age
    21 yrs old

  • Site Owner information
    Whois info

Traffic rank
Site age
21 yrs
United States
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