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via Jooble posted_at: 10 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
• **Introduction*** If you ever thought about becoming a Fashion Designer, this article is definitely for you. It will help you by answering many questions you might have about this job. Sometimes, it is difficult to know what a job is all about, the problems you might encounter, what it's like to be a fashion designer or even what is the typical day in a Fashion Designer's life. This summary... will help you understand many things about the job. • **Introduction*** If you ever thought about becoming a Fashion Designer, this article is definitely for you. It will help you by answering many questions you might have about this job. Sometimes, it is difficult to know what a job is all about, the problems you might encounter, what it's like to be a fashion designer or even what is the typical day in a Fashion Designer's life. This summary... will help you understand many things about the job. I am really motivated to write this article because this is something I'm passionate about. If I can help people about this subject, I definitely will, and this is what I am trying to do right now by informing you about what it's like to be a Fashion Designer.

It is very challenging because you need to create new clothes all the time. You need to be creative and patient.

Fashion Designers have to create new clothes, shoes or even accessories. They have to study trends because if they don't, the clothes they make probably won't be popular. They also need to select fabrics and color for their creations. Another thing they have to do is to present designs ideas to creative directors.

They face new challenges every day. They watch what other companies produces. They check to see what the new trends are because they change every day. When they are actualized with the trends, they can now start to create the clothes by doing the fashion patterns.

28% of the Fashion Designer work at Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers 24% work as self-employed workers 13% work in management of companies and enterprises 11% work in motion picture and video industries 8% work at Apparel manufacturing

You can become a Fashion Designer by applying in any fashion companies. You can also create your own company.

They usually make between $73 060 and $80 140 a year.

First of all, you can take a formation named Fashion Design at CEGEP if you live in Canada. You can continue your training at University by making a bachelors degree in fashion design or fashion merchandising. Sometimes, an on-the-job training is also needed.

There are no real dangers except if you are the one sewing the clothes. You can accidentally sew your finger, cut yourself with scissors or even burn yourself with an iron. There are no major accidents that can happen when you're a Fashion Designer.

I think the number one quality to be a Fashion Designer is creativity. For now, robots don't really have the ability to create new things, and they don't have the ability to create as much as humans do.

There is no real age of retirement for a fashion designer. People approximately retire at 60 years old.
• **Conclusion*** In conclusion, if you are motivated and ready to face new challenges, this job is for you. It gives you the opportunity to meet new people and to create trendy clothes/shoes/accessories with your own personal touch by following the actual trends
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