Search Engine Optimization Overview
The title tag must be between 1 and 60 characters.
Meta description
The meta description tag is missing or empty.
There is no h1 tag on the webpage.
Content keywords
No relevant keywords found on the webpage.
Image keywords
All images have alt attributes set.
SEO friendly URL
The URL does not contain any relevant keywords.
404 page
The website does not have 404 error pages.
The webpage can be accessed by search engines.
The webpage does not have a noindex tag set.
In-page links
The webpage contains more than 150 links.
  1. w3resource
  2. Become a Patron!
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter
  5. Google Plus
  6. Linkedin
  7. RSS
  9. HTML
  10. CSS
  11. JavaScript
  12. HTML5
  14. php.js
  15. Twitter Bootstrap
  16. Responsive Web Design tutorial
  17. Zurb Foundation 3 tutorials
  18. Pure CSS
  19. HTML5 Canvas
  20. JavaScript Course
  21. Icon
  22. Angular
  23. Vue
  24. Jest
  25. Mocha
  26. npm
  27. Yarn
  28. Cypress
  29. PHP
  30. Python
  31. Python-NumPy
  32. Python-Pandas
  33. Java
  34. Node.js
  35. Ruby
  36. C programming
  37. Composer
  38. PHPUnit
  39. Laravel
  40. SQL(2003 standard of ANSI)
  41. MySQL
  42. PostgreSQL
  43. SQLite
  44. NoSQL
  45. MongoDB
  46. Oracle
  47. Redis
  48. Apollo GraphQL
  49. HTML CSS
  50. JavaScript
  51. jQuery
  52. PHP
  53. jQuery-UI
  54. CoffeeScript
  55. Python
  56. NumPy
  57. Pandas
  58. Machine Learning
  59. Ruby
  60. C++
  61. Matplotlib
  62. C Programming
  63. C# Sharp
  64. Java
  65. Scala
  66. Swift
  67. R programming
  68. SQL
  69. Oracle
  70. PL/SQL
  71. MySQL
  72. SQLite
  73. PostgreSQL
  74. MongoDB
  75. Twitter Bootstrap Examples
  76. Linux Home
  77. Linux Commands
  78. Linux Server Administration
  79. XML
  80. JSON
  81. Ajax
  82. Google Plus API
  83. Youtube API
  84. Google Maps API
  85. Flickr API
  86. API
  87. Twitter REST API
  88. Python Projects
  89. Excel Tutorial
  90. Firebug Tutorial
  91. Useful Tools
  92. Google Docs Forms Template
  93. Google Docs Slides Presentation
  94. Number Conversion
  95. Quizzes
  96. JavaScript: Rearrange a string to become a palindrome
  97. JavaScript: Find the most frequent character in a string
  98. JavaScript: Find the most frequent word in a string
  99. JavaScript: Reverse words in a given string
  100. JavaScript: Alphanumeric characters that are palindromes
  101. JavaScript: Implement Boyer-Moore string-search algorithm
  102. JavaScript: Check exceeding word
  103. JavaScript: Check a string is in Flat case
  104. JavaScript: Check a string is in Kebab case
  105. JavaScript: Check a string is a Pangram or not
  106. JavaScript: Check a string is in Pascal case
  107. JavaScript: Sum of the digits of a number
  108. JavaScript: Find all prime numbers below a given number
  109. JavaScript: Reverse Polish notation in mathematical expression
  110. SQL AdventureWorks: Find the total number of employees
  111. SQL AdventureWorks: Find average bonus for salespersons achieved quota above 25000
  112. SQL AdventureWorks: Return maximum, minimum, average salary and total employees for each department
  113. Python List: append() method
  114. Python List: clear() method
  115. Python List: copy() method
  116. Python List: count() method
  117. Python List: extend() method
  118. Python List: index() method
  119. Python List: insert() method
  120. Python List: pop() method
  121. Python List: remove() method
  122. Python List: reverse() method
  123. Python List: sort() method
  124. JavaScript: Find Lucas number from index value
  125. JavaScript: Twin prime of a prime number
  126. JavaScript: Sum of a geometric progression
  127. JavaScript: Volume of a Pentagonal Prism
  128. JavaScript: Volume of a Sphere
  129. JavaScript: Volume of a Hemisphere
  130. JavaScript: Volume of a Cone
  131. JavaScript: Volume of a Pyramid
  132. JavaScript: Volume of a Cylinder
  133. JavaScript: Volume of a Triangular Prism
  134. JavaScript: Check if a given number is a power of 10
  135. JavaScript: Swap two variables
  136. JavaScript: Volume of a Cuboid
  137. JavaScript: Volume of a Cube
  138. SQL AdventureWorks: Compute moving average of yearly sales for each territory
  139. SQL AdventureWorks: Compute moving average of yearly sales for all sales territories
  140. SQL AdventureWorks: Find number of unique titles that employees can hold
  141. SQL AdventureWorks: Find average vacation hours,and total sick leave hours the vice president used
  142. SQL AdventureWorks: Find average bonus and total SalesYTD for each territory
  143. SQL AdventureWorks: Find the average list price of unique products
  144. JavaScript Exercises: Odd - Even sort
  145. JavaScript Exercises: Pigeonhole sort
  146. JavaScript Exercises: Stooge sort
  147. JavaScript Exercises: Timsort sorting algorithm
  148. JavaScript Exercises: Alpha Numerical Sort
  149. JavaScript Exercises: Binary Insertion sort
  150. JavaScript Exercises: Cycle sort
  151. SQL AdventureWorks: Find individuals whose SalesYTD first digit contains a 2
  152. SQL AdventureWorks: Convert the Name column to a char(16) column
  153. SQL AdventureWorks: Determine the discount price for the salesorderid 46672
  154. C programming Exercises: Length of longest ascending contiguous subsequence.
  155. C programming Exercises: The smallest absolute difference between X and 2 integers.
  156. C Programming: Second largest among three integers
  157. C Programming: Common element(s) of two sequences
  158. C Programming: Sum values before, after the maximum value in a sequence
  159. SQL AdventureWorks: Show resulting expression that is too small to display
  160. SQL AdventureWorks: Retrieve products that first two digits of listprice 33
  161. SQL AdventureWorks: Round the value of SalesYTD dividing by CommissionPCT
  162. SQL AdventureWorks: Replace string 'Supervisor' to 'Assistant' in jobtitle
  163. SQL AdventureWorks: Retrieve employees whose job titles begin with 'Sales'
  164. SQL AdventureWorks: Return the lastname in uppercase, trimmed with first name
  165. SQL AdventureWorks: Show 'N/A' instead of null and names separated by commas
  166. SQL AdventureWorks: Return names and modified date separated by commas
  167. SQL AdventureWorks: Find email addresses of employees and groups them by city
  168. SQL AdventureWorks: Return rightmost eight characters from product name
  169. SQL AdventureWorks: Remove spaces at the end of a string
  170. SQL AdventureWorks: Fetch the product name ends with the letter 'S' or 'M' or 'L'
  171. SQL AdventureWorks: Remove the substring 'HN' from the start of the productnumber
  172. SQL AdventureWorks: Repeat a zero four times in front of a production line
  173. SQL AdventureWorks: Returns all contact first names with the characters reversed
  174. SQL AdventureWorks: Provide the connections in Australia and the length of FirstName
  175. SQL AdventureWorks: Find products between $1000 and $1220 in lower, upper, and lowerupper
  176. SQL AdventureWorks: Remove spaces from the beginning of a string
  177. SQL AdventureWorks: Return the five leftmost characters of each product name
  178. SQL AdventureWorks: Find the number of characters in the FirstName column
  179. CSharp Exercises: Equality of three integers
  180. CSharp Exercises: Sort characters in a string
  181. CSharp Exercises: Equality comparison between multiple parameters
  182. CSharp Exercises: Calculate the value of e (Euler's number)
  183. CSharp Exercises: Create a identity matrix
  184. SQL AdventureWorks: Find the position of the string 'yellow'
  185. SQL AdventureWorks: Join the name, color etc.
  186. SQL AdventureWorks: Concatenate the columns separated by a unique character
  187. SQL AdventureWorks: Employee name, email separated by a new line
  188. SQL AdventureWorks: Product with prefixes of either chain or full
  189. SQL AdventureWorks: Product names that begin with the prefix chain
  190. SQL AdventureWorks: Orders with orderqtys, unitpricediscount, totaldues
  191. SQL AdventureWorks: Searches for the word red in the name column
  192. SQL AdventureWorks: Find products containing Mountain for $80.99
  193. SQL AdventureWorks: Products with Mountain or Road in the name
  194. SQL AdventureWorks: Name with the words Mountain and Black
  195. SQL AdventureWorks: Retrieve records contain green_ in a field
  196. SQL AdventureWorks: Address for city outside US starts with Pa
  197. SQL AdventureWorks: Fetch first twenty rows from the table
  198. SQL Adventureworks: Average sales orders per sales agent
  199. SQL Adventureworks: Each salesperson's annual sales orders
  200. SQL Adventureworks: Using a derived table with multiple values
  201. SQL Adventureworks: Retrieve individuals using multiple conditions
  202. SQL Adventureworks: Fetch rows using a derived table
  203. SQL Adventureworks: Retrieve name and city of the employees
  204. SQL Adventureworks: Retrieve the territory name and BusinessEntityID
  205. SQL Adventureworks: Fetch product names, salesorderIDs using INNER JOIN
  206. SQL Adventureworks: List both ordered and unordered products
  207. SQL Adventureworks: Retrieve name and associated salesorders
  208. SQL Adventureworks: List all the products that are red or blue
  209. SQL Adventureworks: Fetch rows from the middle of a sorted table
  210. SQL Adventureworks: Skip a number of rows from a sorted table
  211. SQL Adventureworks: Using rank function with order by clause
  212. SQL Adventureworks: Order table conditionally using case statement
  213. SQL Adventureworks: Order a table in ASC or DESC condionally
  214. SQL Adventureworks: Retrieve persons last name begins with R
  215. SQL Adventureworks: Records of employees, order on hiredate
  216. SQL Adventureworks: Fetch result set on an unspecified column
  217. SQL Adventureworks: Products whose names start with Lock Washer
  218. SQL Adventureworks: Find total cost of each order exceeds 100000
  219. SQL Adventureworks: Find sum, avg, OrderQty for specific orders
  220. C# Sharp: Check whether a string represents a currency value
  221. C# Sharp: Remove special characters from a given text
  222. C# Sharp: Find a specific word in a string
  223. SQL Queries: AdventureWorks Exercises
  224. SQL Queries: Exercises with Solution [25 Exercises]
  225. C Lybrary: putc() - Put a byte on a stream.
  226. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  227. Privacy
  228. About
  229. Contact
  230. Feedback
The webpage does not have a language declared.
The webpage does not have a favicon.
Text compression
The HTML file is compressed.
Load time
The webpage loaded in 0.12 seconds.
Page size
The size of the HTML webpage is 23,484.00.
HTTP requests
There are fewer than 11 HTTP requests on the webpage.
Image format
There are 1 images that are not using the AVIF, WebP format.
JavaScript defer
The are 6 javascript resources without the defer attribute.
DOM size
The DOM size is optimal.
The HTML file has 499 DOM nodes.
HTTPS encryption
The webpage uses HTTPS encryption.
The HTML file has DOM nodes.
Mixed content
There are no mixed content resources on the webpage.
Server signature
The webpage has a public server signature.
Unsafe cross-origin links
The webpage has 133 unsafe cross-origin links.
Plaintext email
The webpage does not contain any plaintext emails.
Structured data
There are no structured data tags on the webpage.
Meta viewport
The meta viewport tag is missing or is empty.
Character set
The webpage does not have a charset declared.
No sitemaps found.
The webpage has 2 social links.
Content length
The webpage has 11,284 words.
Text to HTML ratio
The text to HTML ratio is 74%.
Inline CSS
The webpage contains inline CSS code.
  1. text-decoration: none;
  2. margin-left: -50px;margin-top: -5px;color:#fff
  3. overflow-y:scroll;min-width:200px
  4. margin-left: 10%
Deprecated HTML
There are no deprecated HTML tags on the webpage.