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Newest job postings for wallstreetzen
via Trabajo.org posted_at: 5 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
WallStreetZen is on a mission to build better stock research tools for the next generation of investors. We’re scaling up our SEO content strategy and are looking for a dedicated full-time financial content writer. If you’re a finance-savvy writer with a strong interest in investing/personal finance - keep reading... What Is WallStreetZen? Our research tool makes it easier for part-time investors to dive deep into a stocks’ fundamentals. We’re WallStreetZen is on a mission to build better stock research tools for the next generation of investors. We’re scaling up our SEO content strategy and are looking for a dedicated full-time financial content writer.

If you’re a finance-savvy writer with a strong interest in investing/personal finance - keep reading...
What Is WallStreetZen?

Our research tool makes it easier for part-time investors to dive deep into a stocks’ fundamentals. We’re striving to build the best product in a competitive category that includes names like Yahoo Finance.

Driving organic traffic (SEO) from Google is our marketing superpower. Our blog publishes investing content that drives trial sign-ups to our tool. We also publish in-depth reviews and comparisons on a wide variety of financial products (stock brokerages, bank accounts, fintech apps, and more).
What’s This Job About?

Your mission is to write content that helps searchers in Google make better financial decisions.

Sometimes this will involve explaining the benefits of our software tool. Or it might mean explaining how to allocate between stocks and bonds.

Other times, it will mean reviewing and comparing financial products in other categories - like comparing high yield savings accounts.

You can go to WallStreetZen.com to get a feel for our software, or go to Wallstreetzen.com/blog for examples of the content you’ll produce.
What Are The Expectations?

You’ll be responsible for:
• Publishing 1600 words every weekday (~20-25 articles/m) - while handling the required research, editing+revisions
• Maintain high content quality scores (no fluff)
• Deeply researching the financial products we write about
• Weaving in organic call to actions within copy
• Continuously improving your writing, finance, and marketing knowledge

This is a full-time role. We offer competitive comp based on experience, so the expectation is no side gigs ;)

There’s room for advancement to become an editor, content strategist, or expand to other content marketing roles (if that’s your goal).

We’re a remote team and flexible with working hours, as long as you have 2 hours of daily overlap with working hours in Asia. (8am- 6pm UTC+8).
A Bit About You

The ideal candidate would have:
• 1+ years of experience writing content
• Great content “taste”. Ability to quickly discern good work from bad, both in your own work and in others.
• A basic understanding of personal finance topics
• Personal experience investing in stocks (understanding of basic value investing and/or technical analysis principles are a plus)
• You’re not actually going to perform deep stock analysis for our users, but you’ll need some subject matter knowledge as a foundation. Finance background is a bonus.
• Research & Analytical skills. Able to structure and process qualitative/quantitative data and draw insightful conclusions from it.
Growth mindset. You love to learn.
• Experience with SEO or content marketing is an asset, but not required.
• Worked remotely before , or know that you'd work well with a remote team.
• Care deeply about content quality. You read this post - and nod along.
Why you might be excited about us
• We really care about content quality, and constantly strive to improve. If you dislike churning out fluff to hit an arbitrary word count, we’ll get along great
• You get to write read and write about investing/finance/stocks for a living.
• (As a finance nerd I might be biased, but I think that’s pretty dope)
• No need to hustle for writing gigs and deal with clients. Go deep in one area.
• Paid time off + public holidays in your country of residence (something you don’t get as a typical freelancer)
• You’ll master the best practices of SEO and content marketing
• Competitive compensation package (negotiable based on skills and experience)
• You'll work remotely and set your own schedule

Why you might not be excited about us
• We have high quality standards. Be prepared for lots of constructive (but very friendly) feedback.
• Although our daily target is only 1600 words - you’re also expected to fit your research and editing into your schedule. This may take longer in the beginning as you learn our best practices and products (did we mention we have high standards?)
• We're small (3 full-time people in the company right now and ~7 freelancers), so if you like more established companies, it's not (yet) the right time.
How to apply

Sound like a fit?

Simply apply via Jobrack with the subject line: 'Hi, im [your first name] - your new content writer' and answer these questions.
• Why are you a great fit? Specific examples are helpful
• What is your Linkedin Profile URL?
• Link to 3 portfolio pieces that are the most relevant
• What was the last finance-related book you read?
• What does your perfect workday look like?
• What are your career goals?
• What is your expected salary in a full-time position like this?

You can include anything else that you think is relevant in your application. Look forward to hearing from you
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via Remote Workers posted_at: 27 days agoschedule_type: Full-timework_from_home: 1
TL;DR:WallStreetZenis a fast- growing financial software & media company. We’re looking for an editor to help us scale our media business while continuing to publish the highest- quality articles on Google. This role is fully remote. You can be located anywhere - as long as you can accommodate at least 4 hours of working hour overlap with Hong Kong hours ( 8am-6pm UTC+8). Keep reading if you have experience as an editor (especially within the TL;DR:WallStreetZenis a fast- growing financial software & media company. We’re looking for an editor to help us scale our media business while continuing to publish the highest- quality articles on Google.

This role is fully remote. You can be located anywhere - as long as you can accommodate at least 4 hours of working hour overlap with Hong Kong hours ( 8am-6pm UTC+8).

Keep reading if you have experience as an editor (especially within the finance industry) and are eager to work with a small, high-performing remote team!
A bit about us

WallStreetZen’s core product is a B2C SaaS tool that helps retail investors analyze stocks.

We’re striving to build the best product in a competitive category that includes names like Yahoo Finance.

But despite our ambitions, we’re not on a traditional venture track - we plan to grow organically and profitably.

This means you get the benefits of working for an ambitious startup - quality, impactful work with a small team of high performers ... but you also get to prioritize family, relationships and mental health.

While our core product is our stock analysis tool, the fastest-growing segment of our business is financial publishing. What started as a content marketing strategy has evolved into a full-blown financial publishing business! We publish reviews, comparison articles, and how-tos on financial topics.

More content publishing=more revenue.

Our current article quality is outstanding and we do not want that to change, but we need help taking our output to the next level. That’s where you come in!

Are you still with me? Great. Please say “I'm still with you” somewhere in your application.
Why you might be excited about us
• Results-oriented. Over 1 million ppl used WallStreetZen last month - but we’re still only 3 full time team members and a bunch of freelancers. So you'll get a ton of stuff done without office politics or bureaucracy.
• Fast career advancement. You’ll be the first full-time editor.
• Find balance. We work hard but also highly value balance. We care about family and your own personal development.
• Competitive salary (negotiable based on skills and experience)
• 4 weeks of annual paid leave. Plus public holidays in your country of residence
• Remote-first. Set your own schedule - as long as there’s at least 4 hours overlap with U.S. Pacific Time UTC-7 (working hours of 8am-6pm)
• We’ll grow together. We care a ton about your satisfaction and job happiness, and will help prep you for whatever you're looking for in the future.
Why you might not be excited about us
• We're small (3 full time people in the company right now and ~10 part-time freelancers), so if you like more established companies, it's not (yet) the right time.
• Our customers love us, but there's still a lot we can improve. It's a great position to be in, but it means there's some jank. (Nothing too scary! 😃).
• We have high standards. We care about quality and we sweat the details.
• You will have a lot of authority/responsibility. You will own your domain. As such, you will be accountable to its quality.
What you will be working on

You will work directly with me (Head of Content) to scale content production. This includes:
• Editing financial content that helps our readers solve their problems (and makes us money)
• Building processes to check for quality
• Creating and improving systems and SOPs
• Helping recruit and manage writers
• Helping with SEO, improving monetization, and creating systems and SOPs

In summary, you’ll be helping the fastest-growing portion of our business grow faster and smoother.

You’ll have some management and oversight responsibilities, but this will start primarily as an individual contributor role. You’ll be rolling up your sleeves and getting a lot done.

This is a full-time remote role, open to all timezones. However, your working during hours will require at least 4 hours of overlap with U.S. Pacific Time UTC-7 (working hours of 8am-6pm)
A bit about you

You’re likely to thrive in this role if you have these qualities/experience:
• 1+ years experience in an website content editor position, ideally in the finance industry.
• Love personal finance. You should care about the content we’re producing and have a genuine interest in helping people learn what you know.
• Love quality.
• You are an organized individual.
• You get stuff done.
• Systems & SOPs thinker. If a problem occurs twice, you look for a permanent fix.
• Able to leverage automation and VAs. Able to automate and delegate to maximize efficiency.
• No task is too small: “how you do anything is how you do everything”, You pride yourself on doing the job right, even when its a “low level” task.
• Team management skills. Managing writers and creating systems to help them do their jobs.
• Basic technical literacy. (e.g. not afraid to figure out how to configure a Zapier automation)

Nice-to-have job requirements (not required; but welcome)
• Personal finance and investing nerd
• An understanding of SEO
• An understanding of affiliate marketing
• Experience creating systems and writer SOPs

Please answer the following questions in your cover letter: - Where did you find this job? (WeWorkRemotely in your case) - What is your expected annual salary for this position? - Why are you a great fit for this position? (Specific examples are helpful) - What does your perfect work day look like? - What are your career goals?

Sound like a fit? Just hit the apply button to submit your application.
We're looking forward to hearing from you
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via Craigslist posted_at: 26 days agoschedule_type: Part-time
WallStreetZen is a fast growing fintech company that builds high quality stock analysis tools for the part-time investor, and we're scaling up our content marketing. This is a great remote work opportunity for the right writer(s... Why? As a former freelance writer myself, I've been in your shoes. This is the role I dreamed of. We have a constant pipeline of work with competitive comp. No more unpaid time hunting for gigs! There's also an opportunity WallStreetZen is a fast growing fintech company that builds high quality stock analysis tools for the part-time investor, and we're scaling up our content marketing.

This is a great remote work opportunity for the right writer(s...

As a former freelance writer myself, I've been in your shoes. This is the role I dreamed of.

We have a constant pipeline of work with competitive comp. No more unpaid time hunting for gigs!

There's also an opportunity to progress to senior writer or editor (if that's what you want), and dive deep into content marketing and stock investing.

What's the catch?

Like with investing, there's no free lunch.

We offer unlimited work and competitive pay, with flexibility over your schedule. Write from anywhere.

But we care deeply about quality. We want every piece we write to be the best resource in Google.

So we seek out writers who obsess over their craft.

If you're just looking to pad word count and crank out remixed Google research papers - this isn't the right gig for you.

What will you be writing?
• Informational content teaching users about stock investing (we'll help you with this).
• Writing objective, in-depth comparisons of different investing related products (including comparing our product with competitors - see example here)
• Writing in-depth reviews of stock investing products
• Showing users how to use features on our platform (like our stock screener)
• You can review our blog and knowledge base for more examples.

About you
• You're a natural-born writer! You probably spent a lot of time perfecting your craft, you have a strong grasp of grammar, and you enjoy the creative aspect of writing.
• You're organized and independent, but you love working in a collaborative and positive team environment
• Able to respond intelligently to editing and feedback. We always provide constructive criticism, so you can expect a lot of editing back and forth at first.
• We’ve found that the most successful writers have an eagerness to continually improve and get better at their craft
• You want to grow in the role and give us the honor to grow your career with us
• Ideally, you have some personal experience with investing (or at least a strong interest)

More details
• We pay competitive rates based on experience and performance. Please state your rate in your cover letter.
• Please mention in your cover letter how you found this job post
• We will pay additional incentive-based bonuses based on quality (and quantity if you can write more)
• We offer a path toward advancement to senior writer and editing roles (if desired)

Our team is 100% remote, and we're lucky to be supported by team members around the globe. Our users also come from around the world, but most are in the U.S and at the moment we focus on the U.S. stock market.

Within 1 month you will:
• Complete our onboarding program designed to get you up to speed on our business, vision, and team and gain an understanding of how your role fits into WallStreetZen's content marketing strategy
• Master our grammar and language guidelines
• Deliver content ready for publishing in collaboration with your editor

Within 3 months you will:
• Become completely independent when it comes to writing
• Continue to improve and track your progress in content writing and SEO with your editor
• Deliver near-perfect final drafts

Within 6 months you have the opportunity to:
• Progress to a Senior Writer Role that will put you on track to further promotion path
• Mentor, assist, and train new writers (if desired)
• Create enablement documentation for other writers (if desired)

Sound good? Just fill in the application form here and we'll get back to you within a couple days.

Instead of a traditional cover letter (Dear Sir/Madam, I'm excited to apply for this job...), just tell us in a few sentences why you're a great fit for the role. Write like you speak.

Include your expected word rate

Include where you found the job posting

Note: We're screening for attention to detail, so applications that don't follow these 3 guidelines will be automatically rejected
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