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5 yrs
United States
Popular Questions for websitebuildermagazine
Newest job postings for websitebuildermagazine
via Upwork posted_at: 3 days agoschedule_type: Contractorwork_from_home: 1
We are looking for an experienced Wordpress developer with a strong portfolio of magazine style sites. The project involves developing or customizing a magazine style website with based on the brand palette, categories, sub categories etc. The Wordpress template will be provided and a precise step of customization that needs to be performed will be given... Here are the different steps to be added: 1) Hosting installation on Siteground 2) Branding, We are looking for an experienced Wordpress developer with a strong portfolio of magazine style sites. The project involves developing or customizing a magazine style website with based on the brand palette, categories, sub categories etc.

The Wordpress template will be provided and a precise step of customization that needs to be performed will be given...

Here are the different steps to be added:

1) Hosting installation on Siteground

2) Branding, color palette & Font customization

3) Mega Menu Customization

4) Homepage Layout cusomization

5) Categories & Sub-Categories

6) Link Structure

7) Category & Post Page Layout

8) Essential Plugins

9) Check for Loading speed and SEO optimization

I will look forward to working with you!

More details will be passed on during our initial call.

I look forward to working with you
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