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5 yrs
United States
Newest job postings for wecantrack
via Upwork posted_at: 6 days agoschedule_type: Contractor and Temp worksalary: 8–50 an hourwork_from_home: 1
Hello, I am looking for someone to help me set up S2S tracking between my affiliate network and the Facebook Conversion API I need the conversions that I get from my affiliate network to postback into the Facebook conversion... We can use a software like WecanTrack.com or Adsbridge.com or whatever is the easiest way Thank you Hello, I am looking for someone to help me set up S2S tracking between my affiliate network and the Facebook Conversion API

I need the conversions that I get from my affiliate network to postback into the Facebook conversion...

We can use a software like

WecanTrack.com or Adsbridge.com or whatever is the easiest way

Thank you
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