Wordnik.com is a comprehensive online dictionary and language resource that offers an extensive collection of words, definitions, and examples. It provides users with a dynamic platform to explore the English language through various tools and features. Wordnik.com goes beyond traditional dictionaries by providing insights into word usage, etymology, pronunciation, and related words. With its vast database and user-contributed content, Wordnik.com allows individuals to delve into the richness and diversity of the English language, making it an invaluable resource for writers, linguists, students, and language enthusiasts.
Ever wished Wordnik offered words of the day on specific topics, or a word a day for SAT study or other purposes? Now you can take it into your own handsblog.wordnik.comWordnik offers a Word of the Day email every weekday. Now every Wordnik user can create their own Word of the Day, without worrying about details like managing subscribers or sending out emails.
Wordnik goes beyond traditional dictionary definitions to deliver words in context. ”wordnik.com“Wordnik is the first word navigation system that helps people unlock the value of words and phrases to discover what information is most meaningful and matters to them.
"Having a separate place where you go somewhere to look for a word is not the future," she said. "When you see a word why can't you just tap the word to get information about it?"abcnews.go.comWordnik is working on doing just that, McKean said, creating a layer over text that provides "free-range definitions" that live "out in the wild" of the Internet.
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Site age54 yrs old
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OwnerWordnik Society, Inc.
LaunchedJune 2009
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