is a real-time statistics and data portal providing up-to-date information on global issues such as population, health, economics, society, energy, environment, and education. It presents statistical data in a highly visual and interactive way, allowing users to compare countries, regions and other areas. The website also provides news and analysis related to global trends, as well as access to in-depth reports and papers. is a great resource for teachers, students, journalists, and anyone looking to gain a better understanding of global issues.
worldometer.readthedocs.ioWorldometer is a python module that collects data from and provides a simple and self-explanatory interface for using the data.
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CountryHosted in United States
Latitude\Longitude37.751 / -97.822 Google Map
Traffic rank#443 Site Rank
Site age20 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
Country of originUnited States of America
Founder(s)Andrey Alimetov
ParentDadax Limited
Type of siteReal-time,statistics
ServicesStatistics counters
20 yrs
United States