WritersDigest.com is a comprehensive online resource for aspiring and established writers, offering a wide range of articles, tools, and tips to enhance their writing skills and career. With a focus on creative writing, the website provides guidance on various genres and writing forms, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and screenwriting. WritersDigest.com features expert advice from bestselling authors, literary agents, and industry professionals, covering topics such as craft techniques, character development, publishing trends, and marketing strategies. The site also hosts writing competitions and workshops, providing opportunities for writers to showcase their work and receive feedback. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned writer, WritersDigest.com is a valuable platform to sharpen your writing abilities and connect with like-minded individuals in the writing community.
By the end of the 1920s, the magazine expanded its niche and shifted its focus from literary-quality writing to a reputable pulp magazine. Magazine covers are the property of the publisher.discountmags.comBrought into the industry in 1920, the magazine was initially called Successfully Writing. A year later, the magazine rebranded itself as “The Writer’s Digest.”
Cancel anytime. Every issue features the New York Market Letter, which offers updates on editor needs in the magazine field. This feature helps freelance writers find work and get published.amazon.comWriter's Digest magazine also hosts many contests throughout the year. Most popular are the International Self-published Book Awards and the Annual Writing Competition for short stories.
Our new review section deals specifically with magazines for writers. These pieces are bang up-to-date and offer real practical assistance with getting your work published.writersservices.comIn addition to this, Writer’s Digest has a lot to help the self-publishing author, who really needs to know how to price their book, how to publish and how to sell it.
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Latitude\Longitude37.751 / -97.822 Google Map
Traffic rank#18,219 Site Rank
Site age26 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
EditorEricka McIntyre, January 2019
Frequency8 per year
First issueDecember 1920
CompanyActive Interest Media
CountryUnited States
Based inCincinnati, Ohio
26 yrs
United States