
Fujian, sheng (province) on the southeastern coast of China, situated opposite the island of Taiwan. It is bordered by the provinces of Zhejiang to the north, Jiangxi to the west, and Guangdong to the southwest; the East China Sea lies to the northeast,...
Fujian (福建 Fújiàn) is a coastal province in East China.It has long been an outward-looking province, much involved in maritime trade, and is the ancestral homeland for many overseas Chinese, especially in Southeast Asia.Located just across the sea from...
The name Fujian (福建) originated from the combination of the city names of Fuzhou (福州) and nearby Jianzhou (建州, or present-day Nanping (南平)). History [ edit ] This section needs additional citations for verification .
Fujian Province, People's Republic of China. Fujian (Chinese: 福建; pinyin: Fú jiàn; listen) is a province on the southeast coast of China.The capital is Fuzhou.. Most of Fujian is administered by the People's Republic of China.However some...
Fujian is a province on the southeastern coast of China. Fujian is bordered by Zhejiang to the north, Jiangxi to the west, Guangdong to the south, and the Taiwan Strait to the east. Its capital is Fuzhou and its largest city by population is Quanzhou,...
Chongwu chengqiang 崇武城墙. Hui'an County 惠安县. 3-61. Luoyang Bridge. Luoyang qiao 洛阳桥. Quanzhou 泉州市. 3-68. Residence of Shangshudi in Taining. Taining Shangshudi jianzhuqun 泰宁尚书第建筑群.
福州市,中国 福建省的省会,位于福建省东部的闽江下游及沿海地区,现辖6区6县1县级市,市区人口300.94万,全市总人口829多万,是福建最大的城市。 当地居民以汉族的福州族群为主,母语为闽语 福州话。 福州建城于公元前202年,迄今2200多年,是中国国家历史文化名城,历史上长期作为福建的 ...
福建省(閩東語: 福建省 ,平話字: Hók-gióng-sēng ;闽南语: 福建省 ,白話字: Hok-kiàn Séng ;客家话: 福建省 ,白話字: Fuk-kien Sén ),簡稱閩,為中華人民共和國東南沿海省份,省会為福州。 东西最寬為480公里,南北最長為530公里,陆域面积12.4万平方公里。北與浙江省毗邻,西與江西省相 ...
福建,簡稱「閩」,位於中國東南沿海,北緯23°33'至28°20'、東經115°50'至120°40'之間,東北與浙江省毗鄰,西、西北與江西省接界,西南與廣東省相連,東隔台灣海峽與台灣島相望。 東西最寬約為480公里,南北最長約為530公里,陸域面積12.4萬 平方公里。 福建的地理特點是「依山傍海」,境內多山 ...
著名景點有九曲溪、流香澗、玉女峰、大王峰、三仰峰、一線天、九龍寨、卧龍潭、芙蓉灘、架壑船棺、武夷精舍,還有百花岩景區。. 武夷山保存着大量完整無損、古老和珍稀的植物物種,是一處被保存了12個多世紀的景觀。. 它擁有一系列優秀的考古遺址和遺 ...
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