
The meaning of BRANCH is a natural subdivision of a plant stem; especially : a secondary shoot or stem (such as a bough) arising from a main axis (as of a tree). How to use branch in a sentence.
Define branch. branch synonyms, branch pronunciation, branch translation, English dictionary definition of branch. n. 1. a. A secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub or from another secondary limb. b. A...
Branch is a place to build, play games, and explore thousands of player-created worlds while talking with your friends!
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Branch help businesses modernize their payment methods to empower working Americans. Earned wage access, cashless tips and mileage reimbursements, no-fee paycard alternatives, and 1099 digital disbursements are just some of the tools in our fast, free,...
Branch's attribution technology is designed specifically for the world where universal identifiers such as IDFA and GAID don’t exist. The Branch system uses an industry-unique, anonymous, predictive algorithm that incorporates historical...
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Branch is open for indoor seating after having our beautiful dining room closed for over a year. Thank you for helping us to transform our outdoor spaces into a vital neighborhood gathering spot but we have missed serving you indoors. All of our staff...
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Wesley Branch Rickey (December 20, 1881 – December 9, 1965) was an American baseball player and sports executive. Rickey was instrumental in breaking Major League Baseball's color barrier by signing black player Jackie Robinson.He also created the...
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A branch, sometimes called a ramus in botany, is a woody structural member connected to but not part of the central trunk of a tree (or sometimes a shrub). Large branches are known as boughs and small branches are known as twigs. The term twig often refers to a terminus, while bough refers only to branches coming directly from the trunk.... Read more