Cloudflare pages

Build your next application with Cloudflare Workers. The first 100,000 requests each day are free and paid plans start at just $5/10 million requests, making Workers as much as ten-times less expensive than other serverless platforms.. For a 50ms Worker...
With Pages, your site is deployed directly to our edge, milliseconds away from customers, and at global scale. The latest web standards are fun to read about on Hacker News but not fun to implement yourself. With Cloudflare Pages, we'll do the...
We protect entire corporate networks, help customers build Internet-scale applications efficiently, accelerate any website or Internet application, ward off DDoS attacks, keep hackers at bay, and can help you on your journey to Zero Trust. Visit
Cloudflare Pages radically simplifies the process of developing and deploying sites by taking care of all the tedious parts of web development. Now, developers can focus on the fun and creative parts instead. Seamless builds for developers. Getting...
Step 2: Embed Turnstile widget. Now, let's navigate to Turnstile and add the newly created Pages site. Here are the widget configuration options: Domain: All you need to do is add the domain for the Pages application. In this example, it's...
Cloudflare Pages with Functions is now in open beta! This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Français and Deutsch.. When we announced Cloudflare Pages as generally available in April, we promised you it was just the beginning. The journey of our...
Cloudflare Pages. Create full-stack applications that are instantly deployed to the Cloudflare global network. Deploy your Pages project by connecting to your Git provider, uploading prebuilt assets directly to Pages with Direct Upload or using C3 from...
Fullstack platform for frontend developers. Cloudflare Pages with Functions enables developers to easily add dynamic content to any site and deploy to the Cloudflare network within seconds. Customize Workers functionality directly from within a Pages...
Using just Cloudflare, you'll be able to build big projects - like an entire store! You can use R2 to host the images, D1 to store product info, inventory data and user details, and Pages to seamlessly build and deploy. A frictionless dev...
New platform delivers the fastest and most scalable websites distributed on the edge Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), the security, performance, and reliability company helping to build a better Internet, today announced the release of Cloudflare Pages,...
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