Creepy documentaries reddit

My vote would definitely be Titicut Follies a documentary about a mental hospital in Bridgewater, MA. Filmed in 1967, it perfectly captures the heyday of creepy institutional …Just, Melvin: Just Evil (2000). One of THE most fucked-up do…Scary? White...
The documentary is only available on one version of the film, not sure which, and IMO it's better than the film. Here's the description. Memento Mori: The History of Postmortem …
Here are the top 10 most disturbing documentaries, according to Reddit: There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane. The Nightmare. The Bridge. Tickled. Dear …
Scarier than fiction: 9 genuinely frightening documentaries From Beware The Slenderman and Hell House to The Nightmare and Wisconsin Death Trip, these documentaries prove more disturbing than...
19 Incredibly Creepy Documentaries That'll Make You Want To Hide Under Your Bed Wow. by Anna Kopsky BuzzFeed Staff We asked the BuzzFeed Community to …
19 Seriously Scary Documentaries That’ll Scare The Hell Out Of You 1. Dreams of a Life (2011) 2. Child of Rage (1992) 3. Hell House (2001) 4. The Six Degrees …
15 Of The Most Disturbing Documentaries Of All Time. Sometimes, the truth is more terrifying than fiction. These documentaries might disturb you far more than …
From Blackfish to Cropsey, these documentaries are the most frightening Halloween watches of all. From Gypsy Rose Blanchard to a horrifying haunted house …
A Certain Kind of Death (2003) Death is the root of most cinematic horror, and this quiet, fly-on-the-wall documentary about people who die with no one to claim …
The Nightmare Where to watch: Amazon Prime Director Rodney Ascher of Room 237 fame returns with a documentary-horror movie hybrid. Ascher interviews …
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