Formal equivalence examples

Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation in which "the message of the original text has been so transposed into the receptor ...
Formal equivalence means that the translation attempts to retain the wording and syntax of the original language as much as possible. Functional ...
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We fell in love with a black dog with a long tale. We fell in love with a black dog with a long tail.
Dynamic equivalence, also known as functional equivalence, or thought-for-thought, attempts to translate the thought of the passage rather than ...
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Dynamic equivalence seeks to convey the meaning of a text in a thought by thought manner. Formal equivalence seeks to convey the wording of a ...
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”9 What a great definition of “functional equivalence.” 4. Specific Issues in Bible Translation. 1. Frequency. How often does a formal equivalent translation ...
From the definition, the word carriage in the source language has same meaning of kereta in the target language. based on Nida's theory, this ...
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Dynamic equivalence concerns itself with communicating the basic message of the passage by using modern language and expression whereas formal equivalence ...
Known as a “thought-for-thought” approach, dynamic equivalence attempts to distinguish the meaning of a text from its form and then translate ...
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