Health affairs blog

Learn more about the Considering Health Spending initiative, including peer-reviewed journal series, Forefront, and the Council on Health Care Spending and ...
... Affairs' tentative schedule for future journal theme issues and read recent requests for abstracts. Important info for prospective journal and blog authors.
Discover new peer-reviewed research from experts on accountable care; including finance, shared savings programs, the ACA, Medicare, ...
A blog series, in partnership with Health Affairs, that will explore the future of value assessment in a post-pandemic U.S..;. Health Affairs Blog ...
Health Affairs Forefront (Formerly Blog). Before being published on Health Affairs Forefront , all posts are reviewed by Health Affairs editorial staff for ...
Health affairs blog post: challenges for people with disabilities within the health care safety net. Yale J Health Policy Law Ethics.
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Health Affairs articles are cited by U.S. administration officials, U.S. lawmakers, and ministry of health leaders around the globe. Members of Congress from ...
Health Affairs Blog is a vehicle for commentary and analysis on health policy and issues affecting health and health care.
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