How many denominations are there in the world

WebThe list of religious populations article provides a comprehensive overview of the distribution and size of religious groups around the world.
More than 80 percent of the world’s people follow some religion. There are so many religions that no one has a clear answer to how many exist. Experts have …
Southern Baptist is the largest Protestant denomination in America, with 16 million members. The United Methodist Church is second with 7.6 million members. The …
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Christianity has been the largest religion in the U.S. since day one. According to the latest studies conducted by Pew Research Center, roughly 70 percent of today's …
Religiously unaffiliated people now make up 28% of U.S. adults, according to a new study from Pew Research. That's a larger cohort than Catholics or evangelical …
Scholars of religion in the U.S. have been using the term “nones” since at least the 1960s, and its use has grown common in social scientific journals and the …
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