Static media
1. Arm Creative. Made with Squarespace. Source: Arm-creative. Arm Creative is a lean team of creatives who love telling stories, designing cool stuff, strategizing for the future, and dreaming big. If you seek inspiration for creating static websites,...
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It underscores the importance of white space and visual media in static web design, enhancing the site's user-friendliness and SEO potential. What you can learn: The importance of white space, the effect of unique cursor designs, and the use of a...
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14. Brunch. URL: One example of a simple yet impressive static website is Brunch. I love how the design accurately reflects their name, making it incredibly enjoyable to look at. The website has a clean and whimsical appearance that...
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- 6 yrs old
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Static Media is a fast-paced startup with a team that's passionate about creating quality content. Our culture is open, honest, hardworking and fun. Everyone at Static Media has a direct impact on our success and is encouraged to share ideas. Our...
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- 30 yrs old
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Chowhound. Islands. Website. www .static .com. Inc., doing business as Static Media, [1] is an American internet company established in 2012 based in Indianapolis. It operates ZergNet, a content recommendation business that promotes paid...
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- 24 yrs old
- 13 Site Rank
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Best Static Websites. 1. Nathaniel Koloc. If you're looking for inspiration on how to showcase your portfolio in a simple yet artistic way, this website sets a great example. Its one-page design serves as a creative resume, skillfully organizing...
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- 20 yrs old
- 401 Site Rank
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A static website works best for websites where all visitors see the same content and the content doesn't change very often - especially for smaller websites with not a lot of content. Here are some types of websites that can work very well with the...
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- 11 yrs old
- 9,882 Site Rank
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A major factor in the resurgence of static sites on the web is that they are faster than dynamic sites. This is because static sites are pre-generated (pre-rendered) and are already waiting for your visitors to arrive. Dynamic sites wait until your...
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- 5 yrs old
- 973,841 Site Rank
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Up-to-the minute news, original insights, exclusive interviews and expert advice to make every day better. Static Media's ever-growing family of websites gives readers the great content they crave ...
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- 22 yrs old
- 10 Site Rank
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5. The most popular static site generators: Jekyll. Jekyll is a static site generator created by Tom Preston-Werner, one of the founders of GitHub. Jekyll is so fitting for generating blog websites because it structures pages by posts, which is a very...
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