What are the 48 countries in asia alphabetical order

July 9, 2022. 1. 9495. Oasdom.com the list of asian countries and their capitals. Ever asked the question, how many countries are in Asia? Well, we bring to you the full list …
There are 48 countries in Asia today, according to the United Nations. The full list is shown in the table below : Quick overview of Asia: what are the 48 countries in asia. …
48: Djibouti: 1,136,455: 23,180: 49: 49: Dominica: 73,040: 750: 97: 50: Dominican Republic: 11,332,972: 48,320: 235: 51: Ecuador: 18,190,484: 248,360: 73: 52: Egypt: 112,716,598: …
The top four most visited countries in Asia all have millions of visitors on average, with the lowest being close to 30 million and the highest over double that. ...
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