Why did protestants remove the apocrypha

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Any one of these points on their own may not be enough to fully discredit and understand why protestants don’t include the Apocrypha. When the arguments are all laid out together, the books simply do not stand up. The Apocrypha is not scripture. That...
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(4) Even the Roman Catholic Church did not officially recognize the Apocrypha as belonging in the Bible until the Council of Trent in A.D. 1546— Catholicism’s response …
WebThe Protestants reject these books as Holy Scripture for the following reasons. 1. The Apocrypha Has Different Doctrine And Practices Than Holy Scripture There are doctrines …
The Society did include the Apocrypha in Bibles for use in continental Europe, where it was normal for Protestant as well as Catholic readers to have the texts of the Apocrypha. Prior to 1629, all English-language Bibles included the Old Testament, the...
Many Protestant confessions of faith pushed back against Trent. It’s worth quoting three that describe the nature of the Apocrypha: Thirty-nine Articles (1571), article …
WebWhy did Protestants remove the Apocrypha from the King James Bible? - Quora. Something went wrong.
Luther claimed they celebrated Judaism and because he wanted to justify his challenging the authority of the Catholic Church, he threw them out. The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ―...
By 1522, Luther had translated the New Testament, and he had completed the full Bible by 1534, which included what came to be called the Apocrypha (those extra books from intertestamental Judaism).
Others have disagreed, stating that the ancient Jews were united in rejecting the Apocrypha as Scripture. The term Apocrypha literally means “hidden writings.” The …
In 1826, the British and Foreign Bible Society ceased printing Bibles with the Apocrypha, reflecting the position of most Protestants today. 4. Conclusion: What should …
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