Why do somalis look alike

WebIt’s amazing how Somalis all look alike yet different. Somali households usually have diverse phenotypes within Somalis. My household has siblings with different hair textures, skin tones, and facial features. People would categorize my twin and me...
Genetics Genetic studies show Somalis to be most closely related to other Cushitic peoples of East and North Africa: such as the Afar, Oromo, Beja/Bischarin, …
I have so many Oromo, two harari and afar friends (from Toronto) who legit just larp as Somalis because we look too alike and too many people come up to them …
I had one lady tell me you must be Somali - those high cheekbones, thin frame and features say it all - modelesque She said though Somalis look similar to …
Somalis are not "pure Cushites". Like other Horn of Africans, they have a quite recent Caucasian/Mediterranean component lacking in South Cushites. But I agree. f*ck every other ethnicity in the Horn, …
The only country next to Somalia is Ethiopia, and those two peoples resemble each other more than they resemble other Africans. Even in modern times, the …
WebAbesha don’t follow that and look completely different from Somali. There are some who look similar but for the most part they are very different. During Gragn war many …
The idea of a person being black first started as you can probably imagine - a word used to describe darker skinned individuals, mostly hailing from Africa. The Arabs, …
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A recent U.S. census study said Somali immigrants, statistically, were among the "youngest and poorest" newcomers to the U.S., with 82 percent of the …
Oh and the main reason as to why people from Ethiopia/Eritrea/Somalia look different to those from other SubSaharan countries could be that SubSaharans aren’t identical (not in culture, nor …
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