Why is coding hard for me

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I started coding in 2018 with FreeCodeCamp and a Udemy Javascript course (If you search for a guy named Jonas you'll find what I mean). Coding is hard, but it's not impossible. You'll learn it eventually. Build things, copy the HTML and css on websites...
My friend who's a software engineer made a video on why exactly learning to code feels so difficult and stressful, and I related to it so much that I had to …
You're learning several things at once, that's why it's hard: you're learning how to program: if/else, while FOO, separating bits of logic into functions etc. etc. This might sound a bit hand-wave'y …
Why is coding so hard for me? Coding is like learning a new language and learning a new way of thinking. It’s a skill most of us haven’t used, so it’s a little like retraining …
Yes, we'll tell you the 7 major roadblocks that make learning to code more difficult but also give you 3 principles to use to make learning to code easier!
When you’re new to coding, it’s common to run into quite a few obstacles. Let’s look at the 10 most common problems that new programmers face and how you can overcome them.
Coding isn’t hard, it just requires more time and practice than you might expect. To be a competent coder, you need to learn how to produce products, not just write code. To be a web …
Learning to code is an ongoing cycle of learning new concepts. Of finding and adding new pieces of the puzzle, and making that puzzle bigger and bigger until you’ve achieved the competency level needed to land your dream …
Why do I have difficulty applying/coding these concepts that I can visualize in my head? Also I can read code and understand, but trying to reproduce it if the problem is reworded is difficult. …
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