World population

2024. 0.91. Population in the world is growing at a rate of around 0.91% per year in 2024 (up from 0.88% in 2023, and down from 0.98% in 2020, and 1.06% in 2019). The current population increase is estimated at around 73 million people per year. Annual...
The US Census Bureau's world population clock estimated that the global population as of September 2022 was 7,922,312,800 people and was expected to reach 8 billion by mid-November of 2022. This total far exceeds the 2015 world population of 7.2...
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health. Interesting statistics with world population clock, forest loss this year, carbon dioxide co2 emission, world hunger data,...
Disclaimer: This web site contains data tables, figures, maps, analyses and technical notes from the current revision of the World Population Prospects. These documents do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat...
About this data. Population by country, available from 10,000 BCE to 2100, based on data and estimates from different sources. Gapminder - Population v7 (2022); Gapminder - Systema Globalis (2022); HYDE (2017); United Nations - World Population...
The World Population is growing by over 200,000 people a day. The population of the world today is about 215,000 people larger than yesterday. The world population clock shows you in real time how fast it's actually going. The development will put...
This list includes 20 most populous countries in the World. Approximately 5.70 billion people live in these twenty countries, or around 70% of the world's population.
The World Population Dashboard showcases global population data, including fertility rate, gender parity in school enrolment, information on sexual and reproductive health, and much more. Together, these data shine a light on the health and rights of...
Populations shown for the Most Populous Countries and on the world map are projected to July 1, 2024. To learn more about world population projections, go to Notes on the World Population Clock. To learn more about international trade data, go to Guide...
Population - Statistics & Facts. Worldwide. Over the last 200 years, the world's population has grown rapidly. Whereas there only lived around one billion people on the Earth in the early 19th ...
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