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Epilepsy Foundation #1 trusted site for epilepsy and seizure news
The Epilepsy Foundation is your unwavering ally on your journey with epilepsy and seizures. The Foundation is a community-based, family-led organization dedicated to improving the lives of all people impacted by seizures. We are here for
The title tag must be between 1 and 60 characters.
The current title has 65 characters.
Meta description
The meta description tag is good.
The Epilepsy Foundation is your unwavering ally on your journey with epilepsy and seizures. The Foundation is a community-based, family-led organization dedicated to improving the lives of all people impacted by seizures. We are here for
The headings are properly set.
  1. It's Time to Take Action Together
  1. Your Actions Make a Difference
  2. 600K
  3. $68M+
  4. 100K+
  5. Upcoming Events
  6. Resources
  7. Caroline's Advocacy Journey
  8. Recent News & Stories
  9. Our Mission
  1. Epilepsy Centers
  2. Epilepsy Medication
  3. Epilepsy and Seizures 24/7 Helpline
  4. Tools & Forms
  5. Join Our Newsletter
  1. Walk Your Way
  2. COVID-19 and Epilepsy
  3. Learn Seizure First Aid
  4. Women in Epilepsy Brunch 2022
  5. Walk to END EPILEPSY - Alabama
  6. Iowa Seizure Smart Conference
  7. To lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.
  1. trained in seizure recognition and first aid
  2. raised for epilepsy research
  3. ambassadors and advocates
Content keywords
The content has relevant keywords.
Image keywords
There are 7 images with missing alt attributes.
SEO friendly URL
The URL is SEO friendly.
404 page
The website has 404 error pages.
The webpage can be accessed by search engines.
The webpage does not have a noindex tag set.
In-page links
The webpage contains more than 150 links.
  1. Get Help
  2. Tools & Resources
  3. Find Your Local Chapter
  5. Understanding Epilepsy
  6. What is Epilepsy?
  7. Understanding Seizures
  8. Who Can Get Epilepsy?
  9. What Happens During a Seizure?
  10. How Serious Are Seizures?
  11. What Are the Risk Factors of Seizures?
  12. Will You Always Have Seizures?
  13. Seizure Triggers
  14. Alcohol as a Seizure Trigger
  15. Drug Abuse as a Seizure Trigger
  16. Lack of Sleep and Epilepsy
  17. Menstruation as a Seizure Trigger
  18. Missed Medicines as a Seizure Trigger
  19. Nutritional Deficiencies as a Seizure Trigger
  20. Other Illnesses as a Seizure Trigger
  21. Over Counter Medications and Epilepsy
  22. Photosensitivity and Seizures
  23. Stress and Epilepsy
  24. Types of Seizures
  25. Absence Seizures
  26. Atonic Seizures
  27. Atypical Absence Seizures
  28. Clonic Seizures
  29. Epileptic or Infantile Spasms
  30. Febrile Seizures
  31. Focal Bilateral Tonic Clonic Seizures (Secondarily Generalized Seizures)
  32. Focal Onset Aware Seizures (Simple Partial Seizures)
  33. Focal Onset Impaired Awareness Seizures (complex partial seizures)
  34. Gelastic and Dacrystic Seizures
  35. Myoclonic Seizures
  36. Drug-Resistant Seizures
  37. New Terms Seizure Classification
  38. Tonic-clonic Seizures
  39. Tonic Seizures
  40. Epilepsy Syndromes
  41. Childhood Absence Epilepsy
  42. Childhood Epilepsy Centrotemporal Spikes (Benign Rolandic Epilepsy)
  43. Dravet Syndrome
  44. Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy (EME)
  45. Epilepsy Eyelid Myoclonia Jeavons Syndrome
  46. Epilepsy of Infancy with Migrating Focal Seizures
  47. Epilepsy Myoclonic Absences
  48. Epileptic Encephalopathy Continuous Spike and Wave During Sleep CSWS
  49. Fires Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome
  50. Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome)
  51. Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
  52. Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
  53. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS)
  54. Myoclonic Epilepsy in Infancy
  55. Ohtahara Syndrome
  56. Panayiotopoulos Syndrome
  57. Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsies
  58. Reflex Epilepsies
  59. Self Limited Familial and Non-Familial Neonatal Infantile Seizures
  60. Self Limited Late Onset Occipital Epilepsy Gastaut Syndrome
  61. Facts & Statistics About Epilepsy
  62. Español
  63. Crisis Epilépticas En Los Niños
  64. Factores Que Pueden Provocar Crisis Epilépticas
  65. La Epilepsia En Las Mujeres
  66. Mas Información Y Recursos
  67. Primeros Auxilios Para Crisis Epilépticas
  68. SUDEP
  69. Dia de Acción Contra SUDEP
  70. Seguridad General
  71. Trabajando Con Su Equipo Médico
  72. Tratamientos
  73. Causes of Epilepsy
  74. Structural Causes of Epilepsy
  75. Focal Cortical Dysplasia
  76. Hypothalamic Hamartoma
  77. Incontinentia Pigmenti
  78. Mesial Temporal Sclerosis (MTS)
  79. Neurofibromatosis Type 1
  80. Seizures And Multiple Sclerosis
  81. Sturge Weber Syndrome Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis
  82. Traumatic Brain Injury and Epilepsy
  83. Periventricular Nodular Heterotopias (PVNH)
  84. Polymicrogyria (PMG)
  85. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)
  86. Genetic Causes of Epilepsy
  87. Genetic Testing for Epilepsy
  88. Angelman Syndrome
  89. PCDH19 Epilepsy
  90. Ring Chromosome 20 Syndrome
  91. CACNA1A-related Epilepsy
  92. CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder
  93. KCNQ2
  94. SCN1A-Related Epilepsies
  95. SCN8A-Related Epilepsy
  96. TBCK-related ID Syndrome
  97. GRIN2A-related Epilepsy
  98. Metabolic Causes of Epilepsy
  99. Mitochondrial Disorders
  100. GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome (SLC2A1)
  101. Autoimmune Epilepsy
  102. Ramussen's Syndrome
  103. Infections That Cause Seizures
  104. Diagnosis
  105. Evaluation of Your Medical History
  106. Neurological Exam
  107. Electroencephalography (EEG)
  108. EEG Procedure
  109. Ambulatory EEG
  110. Dry Electrode Headset EEG
  111. How to Read an EEG
  112. Video EEG Test
  113. What if my EEG was normal?
  114. Where is EEG performed?
  115. Which EEG type is best?
  116. Brain Imaging for Epilepsy
  117. Computer Tomography
  118. MEG
  119. MRI
  120. PET Scan
  121. SPECT
  122. Imitators of Epilepsy
  123. Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES)
  124. Assembling Your Healthcare Team
  125. Treatment
  126. Your Role in Epilepsy Treatment
  127. Seizure Medicines
  128. When to Treat Seizures With Medicine
  129. Choosing a First Epilepsy Medicine
  130. Seizure Medications With Children
  131. Finding the Best Dosage of Medication
  132. How Seizure Medicine Works
  133. How Long Until Seizure Medicine Works?
  134. Blood Testing for Seizure Medicine
  135. Common Concerns with Epilepsy Medication
  136. Importance of Medication Schedule
  137. Side Effects of Seizure Medicine
  138. Drug Interactions
  139. Stopping Seizure Medications
  140. How to Read a Package Insert
  141. Seizure Medications and Pregnancy
  142. North American AED Pregnancy Registry
  143. Drug Resistant Epilepsy
  144. Treating Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
  145. What if Epilepsy Medicine Doesn't Work?
  146. Seizure Devices
  147. Deep Brain Stimulation
  148. Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS)
  149. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Therapy
  150. External Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation
  151. Dietary Therapies
  152. Ketogenic Diet
  153. Low Glycemic Index Treatment
  154. Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Diet
  155. Modified Atkins Diet
  156. Epilepsy Centers
  157. Epilepsy Surgery
  158. Epilepsy Surgery Tests
  159. Brain Mapping
  160. Wada Test
  161. Who Can Epilepsy Surgery Help?
  162. Goals and Expectations
  163. Risks and Benefits of Epilepsy Surgery
  164. Types of Epilepsy Surgery
  165. LITT Thermal Ablation
  166. Preparing for Epilepsy Surgery
  167. Recovering After Epilepsy Surgery
  168. Epilepsy Surgery for Children
  169. When to Wean Children Off Medications After Surgery
  170. Seizure Rescue Therapies
  171. Nasal Rescue Medicines
  172. Oral Rescue Medicines
  173. Rectal Rescue Medicines
  174. Alternative Therapies
  175. Herbal Therapies
  176. Medical Marijuana
  177. Clinical Trials
  178. Complications & Risks
  179. Mood and Behavior
  180. Seizure Medications and Mood
  181. Cognitive Therapies
  182. Depression
  183. Diagnosing Depression
  184. Managing Depression
  185. Suicide Risk
  186. Epilepsy and ADHD
  187. Epilepsy and OCD
  188. Stress
  189. Causes and Signs of Stress
  190. Managing Stress
  191. Mindfullness and Epilepsy
  192. Psychosis
  193. Interictal Problems
  194. Agression
  195. Anxiety
  196. Early Death & SUDEP
  197. How to Prevent SUDEP
  198. Support for Bereaved
  199. Role of Seizure Alerts
  200. SUDEP Action Day
  201. Talking to Your Doctor About SUDEP
  202. SUDEP FAQ
  203. SUDEP Resources
  204. Seizure Emergencies
  205. Seizure Clusters
  206. Status Epilepticus
  207. New-Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE)
  208. Sleep and Epilepsy
  209. Sleep and Seizure Medication
  210. Epilepsy Sleep Hygeine
  211. Sleep and Drowsiness and Memory
  212. Sleep Disorders
  213. Social Concerns
  214. Thinking and Memory
  215. Diagnosing And Treating Memory Problems
  216. Techniques to Help with Memory
  217. Types of Memory Problems
  218. Bone Health
  219. COVID-19 and Epilepsy
  220. COVID-19 and Seizures
  221. Our Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
  222. Managing Epilepsy During COVID-19 Crisis
  223. Staying Safe During the COVID-19 Crisis
  224. COVID-19 Testing & Treatment
  225. COVID-19 Vaccination & Epilepsy
  226. Living With Epilepsy
  227. Tracking & Managing Seizures
  228. Managing Triggers
  229. How to Indentify Seizure Triggers
  230. The ABC Approach to Seizure Triggers
  231. Lifestyle Modifications
  232. Diet & Exercise to Reduce Seizures
  233. Tracking Seizures
  234. Seizure Observation
  235. Using Seizure Diaries
  236. Responding to Seizure Emergencies
  237. Working With Your Healthcare Team
  238. The Importance of Quality Care
  239. Setting Goals for Seizure Management
  240. Self-Management of Seizures
  241. Managing Continued Seizures
  242. Managing Epilepsy Well Network
  243. F.O.C.U.S on Epilepsy
  244. PEARLS
  245. UPLIFT
  246. Seizure Preparedness
  247. Schools and Seizure Preparedness
  248. Seizure Action Plans
  249. Seizure Drills
  250. Staying Safe
  251. Safety at Work
  252. Falling Safely
  253. Disaster Preparedness
  254. Recognizing Risks
  255. Staying Safe With Exercise and Sports
  256. Safety at Home
  257. Safety in the Kitchen
  258. Safety While Sleeping
  259. Types of Injuries From Seizures
  260. First Aid Video Library
  261. Staying Safe on Social Media
  262. First Aid & Safety
  263. General First Aid for Seizures
  264. Adapting First Aid Plans
  265. First Aid for Atonic and Tonic Seizures
  266. First Aid for Focal Aware (simple partial) Seizures
  267. First Aid for Focal Impaired Awareness (complex partial) Seizures
  268. First Aid for Tonic-Clonic Seizures
  269. First Aid Absence Seizures
  270. First Aid for Seizures in Water
  271. Getting Emergency Help
  272. Seizure Rescue Medications
  273. Help After a Seizure
  274. Seizure First Aid Training and Certification
  275. Babysitter's Guide to First Aid
  276. How to Manage Prolonged Seizures
  277. Childcare Professionals and Babysitters' Guide to Seizure Disorders
  278. Seizure Dogs
  279. Rights to Having a Service Animal
  280. Seizure Dogs: Children and Parent Partners
  281. Lifestyle
  282. Diet & Exercise
  283. Fitness and Exercise With Epilepsy
  284. How to Start Exercising With Epilepsy
  285. What If I Have a Seizure While I Exercise?
  286. Basic Epilepsy Exercise Program
  287. Healthy Eating With Epilepsy
  288. Nutrition and Seizure Control
  289. Family Planning
  290. Preparing for Pregnancy
  291. Risks During Pregnancy Due to Epilepsy
  292. Specific Problems Affecting Infants
  293. Breastfeeding and Seizure Medication
  294. After the Baby is Born
  295. Employment Help With Epilepsy
  296. Healthcare Coverage
  297. Changing Jobs with Epilepsy
  298. Disclosing Epilepsy to an Employer
  299. Employer Accomodations For Epilepsy
  300. Medical Exam
  301. Safety Sensitive Jobs for Epilepsy
  302. Air Traffic Controller and Epilepsy
  303. Commercial Truck Driver and Epilepsy
  304. FBI Agent and Epilepsy
  305. Medical Personnel and Epilepsy
  306. Military Service and Epilepsy
  307. Pilots and Epilepsy
  308. Border Patrol Agent
  309. Firefighter
  310. Mail Carrier and Epilepsy
  311. Legal Help
  312. About the Jeanne Carpenter Fund
  313. Epilepsy and Legal Rights
  314. Resources for Attorneys
  315. Epilepsy Attorney Network
  316. Child Care/Camps/Rec. Programs Briefs | Epilepsy Foundation
  317. Criminal Justice Briefs
  318. Discrimination in Federally Funded Programs Briefs
  319. Driving Briefs for Attorneys
  320. Education Briefs
  321. Employment Briefs
  322. First Responders and Seizure Management Briefs
  323. Institutionalization Briefs
  324. Insurance Briefs
  325. Physician Liability Briefs
  326. Social Security Benefits Briefs
  327. Financial Planning
  328. Financial Planning for a Child
  329. Travel Planning
  330. Managing Medications while Traveling
  331. Travel Tips for VNS and Other Treatments
  332. Traveling Tips
  333. Preparing for Seizures
  334. Summer Camp
  335. Choosing a Summer Camp
  336. Staying Safe at Camp With Epilepsy
  337. Water Safety
  338. Camp Participation
  339. Resources and Seizure Action Plans for Summer Camp
  340. Driving & Transportation
  341. Driving Laws
  342. Parents & Caregivers
  343. Kids
  344. Diagnosing Seizures in Children
  345. Signs/Symptoms
  346. Managing Your Child’s Epilepsy
  347. Causes of Epilepsy in Childhood
  348. School and Child Care
  349. Treatment Options
  350. Talking to Kids about Epilepsy
  351. Newborns & Infants
  352. Diagnosis of Seizures in Newborns
  353. Teens
  354. Driving
  355. Drugs and Alcohol
  356. Employment
  357. Parent & Peer Relationships
  358. Work & College
  359. Choosing a College
  360. Scholarships
  361. Attending a College
  362. Explaining Epilepsy to Friends and Family
  363. Specific Populations
  364. Women
  365. Men
  366. Older Adults
  367. African Americans
  368. About Us
  369. About the Foundation
  370. Mission & Values
  371. Leadership
  372. Medical Editors
  373. Adriana Bermeo-Ovalle MD
  374. Amy Z. Crepeau MD
  375. Andres M. Kanner MD
  376. Angel Hernandez MD
  377. Annapurna Poduri MD, MPH
  378. Anup Patel MD
  379. Barry Gidal PharmD
  380. Beth Rosen Sheidley MS, CGC
  381. Charuta Joshi MBBS
  382. Christianne N. Heck MD, MMM
  383. David Taplinger MD
  384. Elaine Kiriakopoulos
  385. Elaine Wirrell MD
  386. Hamada Hamid Altalib DO, MPH
  387. Jacqueline French MD
  388. Jay Salpekar
  389. Jeffrey W. Britton MD
  390. John Hixson MD
  391. Joseph I Sirven
  392. Katherine C. Nickels MD
  393. Financial Information & Reports
  394. Media
  395. Programs
  396. SUDEP Program
  397. SUDEP Program Advocacy Efforts
  398. SUDEP Challenge Initiative
  399. SUDEP Surveillance Efforts
  400. Other SUDEP Research Efforts
  401. Epilepsy Foundation Individual and Family Services
  402. Camps
  403. Epilepsy Foundation Training & Education
  404. Seizure Training for School Nurses
  405. Seizure Training for School Personnel
  406. Research & Funding
  407. About Research and Funding at Epilepsy Foundation
  408. Epilepsy Ventures Fund
  409. The Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System (ELHS)
  410. Research Roundtable For Epilepsy
  411. Access the Rare Epilepsy Network Registry
  412. Get Involved
  413. Find Your Local Epilepsy Foundation
  414. Support Groups
  415. Volunteer & Community
  416. Fundraising
  417. Lemonade for Livy
  418. Purple Pumpkin Project
  419. Kids Crew
  420. Spreading Awareness
  421. Epilepsy Awareness Around the World
  422. #AimForZero: Striving Toward a Future Free from Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
  423. International Epilepsy Day
  424. National Epilepsy Awareness Month
  425. Share My Seizure
  426. Talk About It!
  427. Start a Conversation
  428. Twenty-20s Epilepsy Awareness Group
  429. Become an Epilepsy Awareness Ambassador
  430. SUDEP Education & Awareness
  431. Advocacy
  432. Advocacy Priorities
  433. Advocacy: CDC Epilepsy Funding
  434. Advocacy: Seizure Safe Schools
  435. Advocacy: Access Prescription Medications
  436. Advocacy: Affordable Comprehensive Health Coverage
  437. Advocacy: Medical Cannabis CBD
  438. Become an Epilepsy Advocate
  439. Become an Epilepsy Advocacy Champion
  440. Teens Speak Up! & Public Policy Institute
  441. Epilepsy Policy Advisory Committee
  442. Ways to Give
  443. Why Your Gift Matters
  444. Donor Bill of Rights
  445. Donate
  446. Donate Clothing and Household Goods
  447. Corporate Partnerships
  448. Employee Matching Gift
  449. Events
  450. News & Stories
  451. Your Latest News and Stories
  452. Press Releases
  453. Research & Innovation
  454. Diagnosis & Treatment
  455. Advocacy
  456. Seizure Safety
  457. People & Community
  458. Healthy Living
  459. eJourney
  460. Share Your Story
  461. Community Forums (archived)
  462. Get Help
  463. Tools & Resources
  464. Find Your Local Epilepsy Foundation
  465. Use my location for local resources
  466. Learn More
  467. Take a Training
  468. See Our Impact
  469. trained in seizure recognition and first aid
  470. raised for epilepsy research
  471. ambassadors and advocates
  472. Women in Epilepsy Brunch 2022
  473. Walk to END EPILEPSY - Alabama
  474. Iowa Seizure Smart Conference
  475. Find More Events
  476. >
  477. >
  478. >
  479. >
  480. Read Caroline's Story
  481. See all
  482. People & Community
  484. People & Community
  486. People & Community
  488. Learn More About Us
  490. 24/7 Helpline
  491. About the Epilepsy Foundation
  492. Contact Us
  493. Careers
  494. Research & Funding
  495. News & Stories
  496. Ways to Give
  497. Volunteer
  498. Advocacy
  499. Find Your Local Epilepsy Foundation
  500. Join Our Newsletter
  501. Find Local Support
  502. Terms of Use
  503. Privacy Policy
  504. Sitemap
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Mixed content
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Unsafe cross-origin links
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Plaintext email
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