FERC.gov is the official website of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), an agency that regulates the transmission and sale of electricity and natural gas in the United States. The website provides a comprehensive platform for accessing information on FERC's policies, regulations, and initiatives. It highlights key areas such as energy infrastructure, market oversight, and environmental regulations. Users can find extensive resources including reports, filings, and legal documents related to energy markets, grid reliability, and clean energy initiatives. Additionally, FERC.gov offers tools for stakeholders to submit feedback and participate in public proceedings, promoting transparency and regulatory compliance in the energy industry.
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CountryHosted in United States
CityBoydton, Virginia
Latitude\Longitude36.6534 / -78.375 Google Map
Traffic rank#25,670 Site Rank
Site Owner informationWhois info
FormedOctober 1, 1977
HeadquartersWashington, D.C.,, U.S.
PrecedingFederal Power Commission
JurisdictionU.S. government
Agency executiveWillie L. Phillips, Chairman (acting)
Parent departmentUnited States Department of Energy
United States