Illinois State University
Search Engine Optimization Overview
Illinois State University - Illinois’ first public university
Founded in 1857, Illinois State University is a top ranked public university in the town of Normal. Explore ISU's 200+ programs and the Redbird community.
The title tag must be between 1 and 60 characters.
The current title has 61 characters.
Meta description
The meta description tag is good.
Founded in 1857, Illinois State University is a top ranked public university in the town of Normal. Explore ISU's 200+ programs and the Redbird community.
The headings are properly set.
1- Illinois State University
15- Coronavirus Information
- Set for Success
- Why We're Here
- Apply Now
- Our Rankings
- Financial Aid and Costs
- International Students
- Make a Difference
- News
- Visit Us
- Our Campus
- Student Life
- Become a Redbird
- Commonly Used Links
- University Resources
16- View by program type or interest area
- Redbirds make an impact, it’s what they do.
- On-Campus Experiences
- Something for Everyone
- Welcome Home
- Tree Campus Higher Education
- A Rich History
- Celebrating Everyone
- Discover Opportunities
- Be the Solution
- Illinois State
- Students
- Alumni
- Faculty and Staff
- Getting Started
- Non-traditional
1- Create Your Impact >
Content keywords
The content has relevant keywords.
Image keywords
All images have alt attributes set.
SEO friendly URL
The URL is SEO friendly.
404 page
The website has 404 error pages.
The webpage can be accessed by search engines.
The webpage does not have a noindex tag set.
In-page links
The number of links on the webpage is okay.
74- Admissions
- Academics
- Research
- Illinois State University Home
- Student Life
- Athletics
- About
- Discover Your Possibilities
- Majors
- Minors
- Graduate Programs
- Academic & Career Interest Areas
- Apply Now
- Our Rankings
- International Students
- Learn how to make your #RedbirdImpact
- Find Your Niche
- Explore Bloomington-Normal
- Find your campus community.
- Ask a Question
- Visit
- Apply
- Download ISU Mobile Apps
- Catalog
- Undocumented Students, DACA, or Dreamers
- Shared Governance and Administration
- Contact Us
- Privacy Statement
- Cookie Statement
- ISU Complaint Resolution
- Accessibility
- CARES Act Reporting
- Contact
- Incoming Freshman
- Transfer Students
- Graduate Students
- International Students
- Out of State Students
- Military Veterans
- Returning to ISU
- Homeschooled Students
- En Español
- Undocumented Students
- Visiting Students
- Second Bachelor's Degree
- Parents and Families
- Academics Overview
- Academic Support
- Majors
- Minors
- Graduate Programs
- Pre-Professional
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Research Overview
- Student Life Overview
- Athletics Overview
- About Us
- Contact us
- Administration
- Our Community
- Metrics of Excellence
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Facility and Space Use
- Learn How to Apply
- What You Need Before You Apply
- Deadlines
- Fee and Waiver
- Disciplinary and Criminal Activity Disclosures
- International Application Information
- Schedule a Visit
- Department Meetings
- Driving Directions
- Open House
- Group Visits
60- Our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
- Financial Aid and Costs
- Make a Gift
- View Giving Opportunities
- Illinois Shakespeare Festival announces 2023 season
- Preserving the past, protecting the future: Dr. R. David Edmunds dedicates life’s work to the past, present, and future of Native Americans
- Veterans Day Ceremony, November 11, 2022
- More News
- Open House
- Daily Campus Visit
- Transfer Campus Visit
- Virtual Grad School Session
- Virtual Admissions Counselor Appointments
- Learn about the Quad
- View our Traditions
- Start your Redbird Life
- Lead the way in community engagement and service learning
- Milner Library
- Technology Support Center
- Maps and Directions
- Search/A-Z
- Academic Calendar
- Safety and Security
- My.IllinoisState.edu
- Student Jobs
- ReggieNet
- Veterans and Military Services
- Alumni Association
- Redbird Gear
- Events
- Magazine
- Traditions
- Work at Illinois State
- iPeople
- Email and Office 365
- Center for Integrated Professional Development
- Identity Standards
- Appropriate Use Policy
- IBHE Online Complaint System
- I. S. U. Facebook
- I. S. U. Twitter
- I. S. U. Instagram
- I. S. U. Youtube
- I. S. U. LinkedIn
- My
- A to Z
- Milner Library
- Redbird Scholar
- Housing
- Dining
- Student Organizations
- GoRedbirds.com
- Traditions
- Check Your Application Status
- My Illinois State
- Map
- News
- Events
- Giving
- OU Login
The webpage has the language declared.
The webpage has a favicon.
Text compression
The HTML file is compressed.
Load time
The webpage loaded in 0.15 seconds.
Page size
The size of the HTML webpage is 13,164.00.
HTTP requests
There are fewer than 24 HTTP requests on the webpage.
3- https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js
- https://cdn.illinoisstate.edu/js/template/3.5/head.1.js
- https://iguides.illinoisstate.edu/university.js
3- https://iguides.illinoisstate.edu/css/style.css
- https://cdn.illinoisstate.edu/css/sites/illinois-state-home/style.40.css
- https://cdn.illinoisstate.edu/css/common/easy-responsive-tabs/1.4/easy-responsive-tabs.css
17- https://illinois-state-cdn.imgix.net/web/homepage-main/2022/nov-22-academics-1.jpg?fit=min&w=64&h=32&blur=15&auto=format
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/RedbirdImpact.jpg
- https://news.illinoisstate.edu/files/2022/10/Much-Ado-About-Nothing-640x425.jpg
- https://news.illinoisstate.edu/files/2022/10/Dave-and-Scout-5x7-Offset-Color-e1666717976627-640x425.jpg
- https://news.illinoisstate.edu/files/2020/11/american-flag-640x425.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/admissions-sign.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/reggie-statue.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/quad-benches.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/computer-blanket.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/bone-courtyard.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/something-for-everyone.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/welcome-home.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/tree-campus-USA.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/a-rich-history.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/cfa-classroom.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/mcc-space.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/alt-break2.jpg
1- https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-N8R24C
Image format
There are 17 images that are not using the AVIF, WebP format.
17- https://illinois-state-cdn.imgix.net/web/homepage-main/2022/nov-22-academics-1.jpg?fit=min&w=64&h=32&blur=15&auto=format
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/RedbirdImpact.jpg
- https://news.illinoisstate.edu/files/2022/10/Much-Ado-About-Nothing-640x425.jpg
- https://news.illinoisstate.edu/files/2022/10/Dave-and-Scout-5x7-Offset-Color-e1666717976627-640x425.jpg
- https://news.illinoisstate.edu/files/2020/11/american-flag-640x425.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/admissions-sign.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/reggie-statue.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/quad-benches.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/computer-blanket.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/bone-courtyard.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/something-for-everyone.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/welcome-home.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/tree-campus-USA.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/a-rich-history.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/cfa-classroom.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/mcc-space.jpg
- https://illinoisstate.edu/images/homepage/alt-break2.jpg
JavaScript defer
The are 3 javascript resources without the defer attribute.
3- https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js
- https://cdn.illinoisstate.edu/js/template/3.5/head.1.js
- https://iguides.illinoisstate.edu/university.js
DOM size
The DOM size is optimal.
The HTML file has 593 DOM nodes.
HTTPS encryption
The webpage uses HTTPS encryption.
The HTML file has https://illinoisstate.edu/ DOM nodes.
Mixed content
There are no mixed content resources on the webpage.
Server signature
The webpage has a public server signature.
Unsafe cross-origin links
The webpage has 5 unsafe cross-origin links.
5- https://www.facebook.com/IllinoisStateUniversity
- https://twitter.com/IllinoisStateU
- https://www.instagram.com/illinoisstateu/
- https://www.youtube.com/user/IllinoisStateUniv
- https://www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=18266
Plaintext email
The webpage does not contain any plaintext emails.
Structured data
The webpage has structured data.
Open Graph
Meta viewport
The webpage has a meta viewport tag set.
Character set
The webpage has a charset value set.
No sitemaps found.
The webpage has 5 social links.
Content length
The webpage has 893 words.
Text to HTML ratio
The text to HTML ratio is 11%.
Inline CSS
The webpage does not contain inline CSS code.
Deprecated HTML
There are no deprecated HTML tags on the webpage.