Acronym examples in english

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Acronyms are formed by using the first letter of each word in a phrase to form a new word. For example, “you only live once” is shortened to the acronym YOLO, which you’d say as “yoh-loh.” Common Acronyms in Pop Culture You may not even …
Examples of Acronyms. An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a …
Here’s a quick guide to keep you in the know and help you communicate faster (we also included some ...
WebAbbreviations and letters When we abbreviate a word or phrase, we shorten it. Abbreviations can be formed from the first letters of the word or phrase. In such cases, …
WebThe word acronym typically applies when the resulting thing can be read as a word; for example, radar comes from " ra dio d etection a nd r anging" and scuba comes from " s elf- c ontained u nderwater b reathing a pparatus."
WebGrammar & Usage Usage Notes What's an initialism? 'UNICEF' is an acronym. 'ACLU' is an initialism. Why? Words are made up of letters, but a group of letters doesn’t necessarily …
WebAcronyms are words which are formed from the first letters of other words, and which are pronounced as full words. Examples of acronyms: … Abbreviations, initials and …
WebQuestion 1 of True or false? The abbreviation LFG stands for “let’s fucking go.” True False TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT Origin of acronym 1 First recorded in 1940–45; acr- + …
WebYou might already know some acronyms, like NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and ATM (automated teller machine). An acronym is a stand-in for a string of words, usually an organization …
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