
CAF America helps donors make strategic and focused philanthropic decisions that are fully compliant with all regulations and have a lasting impact on the causes and communities they want to support. ... Expand your giving beyond the Publication 78 list...
CAF America brings together donors and charities from across the sector to share innovations and developments in the global philanthropic community. We provide insights that inform your giving, making our collective work more impactful while maintaining...
Give Assets. CAF America offers an easy and secure path to online giving. After selecting your online giving option above, please follow the steps to make your tax-effective contribution today. If you have any questions on the process, please reach out...
CAF America's values. The partnerships we share with people and organizations around the world is a privilege, which is why we hold ourselves to the highest standards. We are committed to upholding the three R's: regulation compliance, risk mitigation,...
With CAF America, you can confidently make a contribution to support an established fund or a validated international grantee. Give Now. 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 375 Alexandria, VA 22314-2840 202-793-2232 | | Contact Us. How We...
Since 1992, CAF America's core mission has been to enable cross-border giving by Americans to validated charities and charitable projects across the world. Through donor-advised giving and our industry-leading organizational validation protocols, we...
As a donor-driven, cause-universal organization, CAF America can facilitate your giving to any charity we are able to legally validate. We have supported a wide range of projects from medical research in Ireland to youth education in India and turtle...
Purpose and Activities. Founded in 1992, Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America) is a US 501 (c) (3) public charity whose mission is to make giving internationally and domestically safe, easy, and effective for US donors. To accomplish this...
CAF America helps donors make strategic and focused philanthropic decisions that are fully compliant with all regulations and have a lasting impact on the causes and communities they want to support. ... Expand your giving beyond the Publication 78 list...
CAF America's core mission is to streamline charitable giving through donor-advised giving, driven by their industry-leading organizational vetting and due diligence protocols. CAF America's worldwide reach translates into more than $3.8...
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