Current protests in the world

7 Jun 2023 PODCASTS The sex­u­al as­sault case be­hind Sene­gal’s un­rest Sene­gal, a bea­con of sta­bil­i­ty and democ­ra­cy in West Africa, has been rocked by dead­ly protests. 7 Jun 2023 Tear...
Global Political Protests and the Future of Democracy. Almost one year …
The intensity of the protests did not rise to the levels of unrest seen in March, …
Empty stomachs, gas tanks and wallets drove protests around the world. Reuters Thousands filled Cuba’s streets in July in the biggest show of resistance since the 1990s .
The Israeli government passed an initial bill that would limit the judiciary’s …
Tracking Anti-Government Protests Worldwide. Millions have protested in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, perhaps making it the largest in U.S. history. Use this interactive map to ...
8 June 2020 Rights are hard won and easily lost. Fortunately, the world is …
WebTop: Protesters march past police in Minneapolis on May 28, 2020. Middle: Minnesota …
Analysis: Pandemics & protests: Unrest grips developing countries. [1/3] Demonstrators march during anti-government protests, as Colombia commemorates Independence Day, in Bogota, Colombia July 20 ...
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