Docker image vs container

Docker images vs. containers. For a simple analogy, think of a Docker image as the recipe for a cake, and a container as a cake you baked from ...
A Docker container image describes a container environment. A Docker container is an instance of that environment, running on Docker Engine. You ...
Docker images are read-only templates used to build containers. Containers are deployed instances created from those templates. Images and ...
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A Dockerfile is a recipe for creating Docker images · A Docker image gets built by running a Docker command (which uses that Dockerfile ) · A ...
A container is a runnable instance of an image. You can create, start, stop, move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI. You can connect a ...
Docker images require this type of environment to actually operate. A Docker container is essentially an image that is running. Once this is in ...
Docker images and containers differ in their lifecycle and function: images are static templates for creating containers, which are dynamic and ...
Both components are intertwined and form part of the Docker platform's system. Images can exist without containers, while containers must run ...
Both images and containers are closely related entities and are part of the system defined by the Docker platform. Images can exist without a ...
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