Foreign currency

Use OANDA's free currency converter to check and convert all major world currencies, precious metals, or obsolete currencies. Access over 31 years of historical data and reliable FX rates from leading market data contributors.
Convert and send money online with Xe, the world's most popular currency tools. Check live rates, view charts, set alerts, and access historical data for any currency pair.
Convert over 140 currencies at the real exchange rate with Wise's currency converter. Compare prices for sending money abroad and save with the mid-market rate.
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Xe is a trusted global currency converter and money transfer service that offers live rates, charts, alerts, and more. You can send money online to 200 countries in 100 currencies …
Find the latest foreign exchange rates and tools for various currencies, including a currency calculator, historical rates and graphs, and a monthly exchange rate average. …
Compare and convert major world currencies with Wise, a fast and low-cost money transfer service. Browse all currencies alphabetically or by region and get rate alerts.
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US Dollar Exchange Rates Table. Top 10 Apr 21, 2024 11:07 UTC. US Dollar. 1.00 USD. inv. 1.00 USD. Euro. 0.938089. 1.065997. British Pound.
Use the currency converter to find out how much your foreign currency is worth in U.S. dollars. You can also exchange foreign currency (no coins) for U.S. …
Get live exchange rates for over 200 currencies, commodities and metals from a trusted provider. Use the historical currency converter to access data dating back to 1990 and …
January 18, 2024. Change Date. Currency Converter By OANDA. From:
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