How to get a new email

You won't be able to get a certain Gmail address if the username you requested is: Already being used. Very similar to an existing username (for example, if already exists, you can't use The same as a...
Enter a cell phone number or email address for password recovery. Follow the instructions in the captcha box. Click the "Accept" button. That's it – you're done! Now that you have set up an email address, you can start using your new...
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If someone else already is using it, select a new, unique email name. 3. Add the other requested information. a. Tip: You will be requested to add 2 ways Microsoft can to get ahold of you, so think of an alternate email account and phone number to...
A single username and password gets you into everything Google (Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps). Set up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Switch between devices, and pick up wherever you left off.
Once you switch to a new email address, you’ll probably want to keep it for a very long time, so pick a good name. Import Old Email. The next step is to import all your old emails into Gmail or Outlook. This requires POP3 access, which most email...
If Mail can't find your email settings, then you need to enter them manually. Tap Next, then follow these steps: Choose IMAP or POP for your new account. If you aren’t sure which one to choose, contact your email provider. Enter the information for...
Create a new account or use an existing email address from any email provider; you'll just need to provide a password, date of birth, and a mobile number. Go to the Sign up page. Enter your info in the required fields. Click Continue and follow the...
A Microsoft account gives you access to Microsoft products and services with just one login. Here's how to set one up: Go to, select Sign in, and then choose Create one!. If you'd rather create a new email address, choose...
Steps Download Article. On the top right corner of the screen click the Sign in button. On the bottom of the Screen there will be a sentence that says:Get a Free Username. Click that sentence. Fill out personal information ie: Name, address, and birth...
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Google Account
A Google Account is a user account that is required for access, authentication and authorization to certain online Google services. It is also often used as single sign on for third party services.... Read more
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Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. As of 2019, it had 1.5 bi...