Longform articles

Crime articles curated by Longform. Why can't the military fix its violence against women problem? Congress is on the precipice of ushering in the biggest shift in military policy since the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Below are five longform journalism sites, which curate and produce cool longform pieces. The Atavist — "Where stories begin". The Atavist produces and publishes original longform stories once per month. Users can choose to buy their stories...
If you enjoy longform journalism, it can sometimes be a struggle to find new, quality content. Luckily, Vox has narrowed the search down to the best longform journalism sites — for the second time. Back in 2014, Vox published a list of five excellent...
what is longform journalism and why should you read it? Longform journalism is essentially an article that is a long read, typically ranging between 2,000 to over 10,000 words. The lengthy word count allows for more detailed, developed pieces of writing...
5. Guernica Magazine. Guernica is a non-profit magazine dedicated to publishing writing about global art and politics. They publish a variety of types of writing, and have an especially strong longform section. The publication features voices from...
The Long Form Journalism Database curates and shares the best longform articles on the internet. Wednesday, February 9, 2022. When "The Simpsons" Bet Big on the Super Bowl. Thirty years ago, when legal sports betting was just a pipe dream,...
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For newer articles that are updated frequently. Long Form Articles usually posts one link a day. The closest to longform.org that I've seen. Like longform.org, some links go to paywalled articles, some do not.. It was previously mentioned, but The...
A subreddit dedicated to sharing and discussing insightful long-form articles on various subjects. Reddit: Indepthstories: Curates long-form content focusing on detailed analyses and investigative journalism. Reddit: Longform: Features a...
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6. "1,112 And Counting" By Larry Kramer ( new York Native) Late last month, playwright and AIDS activist Larry Kramer died at 84. This landmark piece, first published in 1983, was a passionate appeal against apathy in the face of the AIDS...
Ghosts. "Here I should conjure my sister for you. Here I should describe her, so that you feel her absence as I do—so that you're made ghostly by it, too. But, though I'm a writer, I've never been able to conjure her.". Vauhini...
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