Set up new email account

A professional, ad-free Gmail account using your company’s domain name, such as Ownership of employee accounts so you are always in control of your company’s accounts, emails, and files. 24/7 phone, email, and chat support from a real...
Now that you have set up an email address, you can start using your new free email account immediately on the device of your choice. More than a free email address! Even though it won’t cost you a penny to make an email account with, we don’t...
A single username and password gets you into everything Google (Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps). Set up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Switch between devices, and pick up wherever you left off.
When you are ready to open a new email account at Open a web browser, go to the sign-up screen, and select Create free account . Enter a username —the part of the email address that comes before Select the dropdown...
Add a new email account. Select Start , enter Mail, and choose the app from the results.. If this is the first time you've opened the Mail app, you’ll see a Welcome page. Select Add account to get started. If you've used the Mail app before, at...
Most email accounts, including Microsoft 365, Exchange server accounts,,, and Google accounts can be set up in a few quick steps. Select Outlook > Preferences > Account. Click the plus ( +) sign > New Account....
Email is one of the most popular and widely-used forms of communication used around the globe. There are several different email services and providers with which you can set up an email account, including Web-based email services such as Gmail and...
How to Open Your New Gmail Account. Step 1. Return to the main Google screen and click the Gmail link. Step 2. Once you sign in you’ll be brought through the Gmail introductory steps. After the last introductory screen, a popup appears announcing that...
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Email Service
Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. As of 2019, it had 1.5 billion active users worldwide. A user typically accesses Gmail in a web browser or the official mobile app. Google also supports the use of email clients via the POP and IMAP protocols.... Read more
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GMX Mail is a free advertising-supported email service provided by GMX. Use... is a personal information manager web app from Microsoft consis...