Was saddam hussein a good leader

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Sadam Hussain was a great leader who treated his people well. He had an efficient administration set up for his country with great ...
Saddam Hussein's leadership style was characterized by a strong personality and a willingness to make tough decisions. He was known for his ...
He was an extraordinarily bad dude, the Iraqi regime was despotic and people could be tortured or “disappeared” for political disagreements or ...
But Saddam Hussein is a planner. And he has affected the Middle East so considerably that we need to understand him. What insights can you give us into ...
In the eyes of many Arabs, Saddam Hussein, the former dictator of Iraq, was a true leader who stood up to Western imperialism, the Israeli ...
Saddam Hussein led Iraq from 1979 to 2003. During his rule he projected an image of himself as Iraq's most influential leader and a courageous moderniser, ...
No, it wasn't. The real situation is a lot more complicated than you saw on CNN. Even if it was a lie, Saddam definitely wasn't a good guy.
Saddam Hussein genuinely sees himself as one of the great leaders of history, ranking himself with Nasser, Castro, Tito, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao Zedong, each of ...
Aziz insists that, despite making grave errors (such as the invasion of Kuwait in 1990), Saddam Hussein was a great patriot who made Iraq a ...
Saddam promoted women's rights, allowing them education and service in the armed forces and greater participation in Iraqi society. In other ...
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