How do i get a email address

You won't be able to get a certain Gmail address if the username you requested is: Already being used. Very similar to an existing username (for example, if already exists, you can't use The same as a...
Enter a cell phone number or email address for password recovery. Follow the instructions in the captcha box. Click the "Accept" button. That's it – you're done! Now that you have set up an email address, you can start using your new...
Select a suggested email address or create your own. If you like any of the suggested options, tap it and select Next.To create your own custom address, select "Create your own Gmail address" option, enter your desired username, and then tap...
Getting started. Sign in to your premium feature settings in Under Personalized email address, select Get Started. Tip: If you have a Microsoft 365 Family subscription, people you've shared the subscription with can also set up a...
Replied on March 21, 2018. Hi Ken, If you are trying to create a new email address with Outlook, you can register here on this link. Click on Get a new email address to create a new one. Let us know if you need further assistance. Report abuse. 16...
3. Create your custom email address. The Office 365 email alignment with your .org domain name is quick and simple once you’ve purchased the package that is right for your needs. You will be prompted to set up your email address, and clicking the button...
Rumor has it; email addresses that contain the .edu domain extension can get certain discounts for orders and other benefits. For example, Amazon Prime offers special discounts for .edu email addresses, as it is assumed to be a student discount in...
  • Safe
  • Encrypted

Answer (1 of 19): I followed your advice and sent the paypal to the address on file and I never received it. and I emailed them repeatedly NO response. I am now going through paypal to get my money back THANKS
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Google Account
A Google Account is a user account that is required for access, authentication and authorization to certain online Google services. It is also often used as single sign on for third party services.... Read more
See results for is a personal information manager web app from Microsoft consis...